Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?

Sitting on a cornflake,
waiting for the van to come.

12 and 1/2 hours until a new Lost!
El Veronica Marte era impresionante ayer por la noche

¡Van Los Gorgojos Estupendos!
whats this about corn flakes?
mmmmmmmmm....corn flakes
Man, was VM intense last night or what? the kids blew in Weevil!
There was so much going on at one time, it was hard to keep track of each story line. But with next week being the season finale they had to get us all hyped up. Since VM didn't take that last exam does that mean she will not get the scholarship and therefore ends up at the local college so that the show can continue?
Definatly. She will end up going to herst with wallace and we will still have many adventures
I take it that SuperBeetles knows that she has used "thing" when she meant "think"--even though she is a math nerd!
No seriously, I thing the joker laughs at me. He Must. it's part of being a joker.

Nuts to that.
Speaking of the Super Beetles - where are they today!! Did they exert so much blog power yesterday that they are weak and cannot participate today? Did the squirrel/bunny come back to seek revenge?
ooh, bunny revenge. you don't want that.

Dont worry, Mo, i think it laughs at me too
If the Super Beetles stayed home today, the Sleepers just want you to know they are upset that you did not tell anyone. Sleepers and Fuzzy were looking for something to do today and would have gone out for a visit.

Molly Pumpkin - will we see you on Friday?

Where is everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
I am boycotting the VM chatter.....
well, did you watch the repeat of americas next top model? nnenna went home? crazy
O.K. - then onto current events -

You know how horrible it is when you have to give blood and they have trouble finding a vein and keep poking at you? Well, imagine that poking scenario when they are trying to find a vein to provide a lethal injection at your execution. More than an hour to get the needle in! Yikes! Talk about cruel and unusual punishment.

How bout them Sabres? Do you think they have a chance against Ottawa?
Hell yeah they do!
I say Sabres in 5. Like money in the bank. No Hasek and woth the sabres playing like they are (when they show up) they are unstoppable. They just need to score first and early. take the senators out of the game in the first. it worked against philly
What?? Without our fearless leader we don't even strive for 20 anymore??
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