Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Gog and Magog

Like Beevis and Butthead.
Or Mutt and Jeff.
Just in an apocalyptic way.

HEy folks!
Happy B-day, Ma, a day late.

Boy - grandma maggie sure is up way past my bedtime. Hey'd it go??? My only concern is that they give you a computer with internet access.
Morning folks!! Hope all went well yesterday. If not, JB could just apply for the case management job with Bankruptcy Court - looks like you would have the necessary experience.
If you don't apply and I don't find a job soon, maybe I will apply for the job.
Job? Is someone reading the book of Job? Gog and Magog are in Revelations, not Job. At least, not that I know of.
Fire and brimstone and all that good stuff.
Only 11 more hours until I eat some pudding!
That must have been pudding junkie. Although, I think we all have a little bit of that in us.

Only 11 more hours until Lost! I think there are only 3 more episodes. Then I will go through lost junkie withdrawal.
mmmmmmmm........lost pudding
When the dust settles and you can see the sky again,
that is when you will see the chopped off heads of the leviathan.

wanst that Job?
A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood.

I always liked Leviathan. That would be a cool name. A good name to yell out. Try it. You know you want to. Just yell out "LEVIATHAN"! as loud as you can and tell me it didn't feel good. Okay, now maybe the boss is walking over right now and that's not really a good thing, but you can pass it off as turets and be alright. Or blame it on the guy next to you that was sleeping. "Yeah, man, you just shouted out Leviathan like no ones business. Maybe you are supposed to like preach or something. Can you pass me that stapler?"
the mythical beast that only God could destroy. It is pretty cool. I yelled it out and asked for a stapler. now the guys in the white suits a comming again.
I always wondered why you had such a fear of the color white. Things make so much more sense now.
Yes, it makes sense...keep telling yourself that...sense...lots of sense. I'm rich!
It's illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while you're sitting on a curb in St. Louis. FYI. I'm pretty sure a wheelbarrow is okay.
Remeber back in the 80's they had a contest to find Cap'n crunch? I found him dead in a field outside of Syracuse. But i didnt get any prize
Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.

So if I die doing anything right handed, please sue on my behalf.

(so that's why they were looking for you)
it was traumatic for a little kid to find one of his favorite cereal mascots bloated rotting body in a field. i still have nightmares about crunch berries
mmmmmmmmmmm.....bloated crunch berries
Dear current and former North Collins residents:
It has been illegal to drink beer from a bucket on the sidewalk there, too. Surprised that none of you were caught!
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