Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Happy Birthday James!

Wubbies Rock!

Have a great day Wub!
Hi James!!!! Have a super fantastic birthday!!!! Wubbies do rock!
Happy Birthday James!!!!!!!!!
Have a bunch of fun. Are you guys going golfing today? taking days off and such?
With only 5 days to go, we kind of had to show up. Plus, how would the Wub hand out his cupcakes?
I appreciate all the Sabres did for me. What a b-day treat!

Go Sabres!!!!!
right on with the cupcakes. i want a cupcake.
GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!
give me a heart attack or something. if i was on medication for my blood preasure, i would be doubling the dose.
I had to turn the game off when the Hurricanes scored with 3 minutes left...just in case I am the jinx. Since the bug loves the heat, in addition to the sabres win for her birthday, I'm assuming that's why mother nature broke the record high for the day.
If I showed up at school, would James give me a cupcake. Or better point, would he give me the cupcake before security escorted me out??? I sure hope no one's making Jmaes actually think on his day.
i would hope bringing in cupcakes gets you out of thinking for a day
The good Lord also created Super Freeze and frozen custard. This is one way I can relate with those crazy Baptists.

Thank you Jesus!
How could wanting a cupcake be considered an escortable offense.

Thinking bad.
Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Did you see him repressing me?

You saw it, didn't you?
Ugg. Repressed does not rock. Unless I am the one doing the repressing. Seriously, it's not a power trip. Who doesn't love to be bossy?
Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Ok - back to James....How does a wubbie celebrate a birthday? Other than with lots of sugar.
I think i would rather have cupcakes then power. or some water tart throwing a scimitar at me
We are taking him to Montanas (the restaurant not back woods state) because rumor has it you get to wear a moose hat if it's your birthday.
That is spectacular!! Can't imagine who better to have the moose hat. Other than Molly the Moose. (I still don't think that that was right.) Probable the reason I had to trade sugar for power.
mmmmmmm.......sugar power
In america, first you get the sugar, then you get the women, then you get the power
good juju on the moose hat. Also, a suggestion for the future, at that japanese grill, they dress you up like an emporor. also a funny hat. not as funny as a moose, but right up there
I had all the new recruits drop and give me 20 when i heard it was your birthday, James. Happy Birthday from the marine corps!

I'm glad I'm not a marine. I would on the other hand, pound 20 cupcakes.
i would concur. push-ups, not so much. cupcakes, yes please
Well, have a good one ya'll! Hope James and the crew have a good time tonight.
Happy Birthday, James.
Enjoy wearing the moose hat. Have any of you seen the moose on Route 62 just before the viaduct going into Eden? I think he came out to wish James a happy one. Don't eat too many "policeman cookies" (as your Grandpa Jack used to call them.
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