Friday, May 19, 2006


In a completely unrelated and unconnected issue...


Oh, thank goodness it's Friday. It was quite the long week.
I think I lost most of the green tint to my skin, by my eyes are still furrowed like that, just not as many eigh brows.
Is it time for Lost yet?
Jack has come too close to discovering my identity. I will have to go deep underground. And squirrel away some nuts. Crazy nutters. Chitter!
that Jack is a crafty one. you must always be on yr toes. now to turn green
I think I may have the bird flu. I have sprouted feathers and keep "bawk"ing. Should I be concerned? Bawk! Bawk!
I also don't understand why my name is spelled this way. It doesn't sound like colonel. It sounds like kernal.
I am starting to feel . . . different
You won't like me when I'm angry. Chitter.
Suzy, how do you get on that board?
I usually step on Tom Cruise's head. He's so short and his head is so big, it usually makes for a good step stool. If he's not available (crazy scientology meeting or such madness) I'll just get Scotty to beam me on. Spock gets all uppity, but it's worth it just to see that Vulcan squirm.

Chitter! Chitter!
only a skwerl could make an emotionless vulcan get squeemish
What was that yesterday about the drunken gramma? I am offended. So what if she drinks a pint or two? during a hockey playoff game?

drunk grandma

thats funny

p.s. Who's this brendan you are talking about again?
If you can't work late, I can't work late. IF YOU CAN'T WORK LATE, I CANT WORK LATE.

But it took me six months to get this appointment.

Nerds are always getting in trouble. They say improper things for the same reason they dress unfashionably and have good ideas: convention has less hold over them.
Brendan shmendan. I want to know who this squirrel is. Crazy squirrels taking over the world. First they pick on Tom, then scare Spock. What next? Shut down the mafia? I shudder at the thought. Who will make our pizza if that happens? Have you thought about that squirrel???? Huh? Huh?
Pint????? This is America! English is our national language. Not some crazy Brittish lingo. Congress has declared it so. And not a minute too soon I may add.
Nuts to you! Chitter!
Mapmakers deliberately put slight mistakes in their maps so they can tell when someone copies them.
Look down your shirt and spell attic.
even i think thats gross

funny, but gross
I am appalled that you would use the blog for such things. Apparently you are too, since you had to post anonymously. Suzy would not approve.
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