Thursday, May 25, 2006


That Lost Foot Was WEIRD!

How am I going to last all Summer
without my Lost?!?!?

Oh my goodness!!! So many answers but so many questions!
I couldn't find a four toed foot but I did find a six toed one. Weirded me out. Goofy six toes.
yo, did you hear michelle rodriguez got arrested again? back to the slammer. thats why she was lost
GO SABRES!!!!!!!
a W is a W, even if it looked bad. Ryan Miller is my hero. A goalie who steps up under pressure? take that Hasek.
Morning folks!!

Looks like only the two important people from the Orrange family will be a James' party. Tom has to work, and if we waited for him, we wouldn't get out there till after 6:00p.m.
stupid paper mache is taking forever to dry.
now i'll never be a teen model
Thanks to Molly Pumpkin for letting us use her tv to watch the game. We got to see all 4 Sabres goals which were excellent.

Go Sabres!!!
I don't think Tom really has to go in. Just dress up that giant bunny and send him to work.
do we even want Tom there? Is he on the Sabres bandwagon yet? or is he still in his "Go Carolina" phase. carolina, shmarolina
thats odd. bandwagons dont realy get full. this is an anomoly
I wouldn't be surprised if that was a carolina fan.
Anomoly? Is that some kind of nut? Chitter!
Homer: Hey, do you guys have Brazil Nuts?
Brazilian: Yes, but here we just call them nuts
The Sleepers seem to be on the Oiler's bandwagon, but still find it necessary to watch the Sabres games and yell at the tv, get all worked up and give himself a headache. Go Oilers!
Tom is very tempted to try this "dressing up the large bunny" charade. We think that the scariest part of the whole prospect is that it is very likely to work. He just needs to put a sign in front of the desk where the bunny sits that says "Whatever it is you need - Google it"
Crazy nutter! Chitter! Chitter!
no googling!

isnt tom the one who hates the use of google as a verb? i guess the bunny would not hvaer a problem with it
Bill Barilco disapeared that summer back in 1952. He was on a fishing trip
The last goal he ever scored (in overtime!!) won the Leafs the cup. THey didn't win another 'til 1962, the year he was discovered.
I had heard that before, but it still gives me goosebumps.
it is a funny story. the ol' 50 mission cap
I'm mad that is so lame.
Although it is in espanol, asi es bueno. Para no muy bueno.
I don't think it even means anything in Spanish. Outrage! is just as bad!!! This is just wrong! How can these websites be taken by such lamos?!?!?
I can't get on to because it is blocked from here. Must be good. ;-)
that is a thorn in the side.
Jen - did your boys ever get a second magazine other than the Discover? Thanks.
Lost is the most awesomest show ever! I hope everyone gets to read this! Awesomest. Libby had to die before Desmond could come back. I think I crashed your plane!!! I was wrong?! Captain obvious strikes again. Oh yeah. Go sabres! I hear something like they're somekind of team.
Go Mo on the Sabres!!!!
on yahoo today, they have the special "highest searched" section, and the "Lost" numbers are in it. the 4 8 15 or whatever. not sure what it means, but maybe it would interest some lost junkies here
I think the Lost junkies have left us on our own for the day. Long weekends and such :(

Therefore, we can discuss VM without interuption and speculate on what (or how much) was in the briefcase that kept Mr. Mars from meeting Veronica at the airport.
it had to be crazy. he left VM at the airport. Will VM go without him? or go home and get far too involved w this new case (get it)
i still think it is kind of weird that her and logan are together again. i saw it comming, but i am not too sure if i like it.
I've the whole "bad boy" fascination also (as you can tell by who I chose for my husband) and I totally get the Logan attraction. He wants to be bad to the world, but once you get to know him, he is a really sweet caring guy (blech!)

What are your speculations on what else may be in the case except money?
i think it had to do with liam, or eliot? i cant remember his name, but the irish gang dude. cause that lady was poking him and that was a grand faux pax. or maybe it had somehting to do with the casablancas kid (wich would be her son, right?) maybe a briefcase of goods that were used to blackmail him to crash the bus
Did the super beetles take another day off? Shame on them. Think of what they are missing in school --but most importantly, they have left the bloggers hanging...
fo real
wow, no derogitory comments about the VM blogging. I have a feeling we are in for it at the party tomorow
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