Monday, May 01, 2006


There are two types of people in the world...

those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't.

I hope you are the former.
You think he's gone? He's not gone! That's the point! He's never gone!
What if I'm looking for a bathroom, I can't find one...and my bladder explodes?
neal, m6y man. what it be?
I can't wait until Friday when I can get all boozed up on tequilla and puke all over the floor.
me too. Shot for shot Neil ol' buddy?
There is a dead animal on the roof outside my window. It may be a squirrel. I hope someone (Tom Cruise) is not trying to send me a message. I will not be intimidated. I am going to have to somehow kick it off the roof before the rotting corpse begins to stink...of death.
I am outraged! Chitter! Chitter!
he does have too much time on his hands. stupid L. ron hubbard clones
I really have no idea how I am going to get this off my roof. I tried reaching with a ruler (meter stick please)and it's too far.
tape some together. Or assign it as a class project and make kids go out and get it. Have James do it. You know he wouls walk on the roof of the school. and touch a dead skwerl
Great idea! I am going to try the taped rulers. I injured myself trying with only one ruler. I now have a war wound. Bad news...I think it's a baby bunny, not a squirrel.
Darn you Tom Cruise! Darn you to heck!
are there hawks or something around you? cause what would get a bunny on the roof?
Yeah, either an owl or a hawk must have dropped it. There goes my TC theory. He probably paid the owl to do it though.
I think Molly Pumpkin and Kathryn took off today to protest their illegal immigration. They are at a rally as we speak.
Go Bills!!! (I'm too frightened to add anything else.....)
Go Habs Go!!!!!

Had a late arrival due to an early dentist appointment for The Sleepers.

Just meant that I got to play on the playground with Malcolm this morning though :)
that's right, i should go protest. my civic duty is not being fullfilled today. i am an illegal imagrant i forgot
Does anyone else see a problem with named companies closing down today because they don't have a large enough work force????Do you think they are paying their employees minimum wage plus benefits......oh those lazy americans....they don't want to work for $3 an hour. Oh yeah....I guess it doesn't matter, if they's have to pay minimum wage, they's just move the whole plant to Mexico...

how bout that rant.....

oh - ps - it is a beautiful day!
Hey - no one responded to my rant.....I guess the superbeetle is hanging from the window by her fingertips.....really, I'm sure one of the teenage girls would love to help pick up the sqwerl...
It is gorgeous outside! The perfect weather for a rotting corpse to decompose! No, I have not yet had the opportunity to use my taped ruler contraption and try to fling the carrion off the side of the building and on to some unsuspecting fool's head. They are only a fool because they were under my roof when I (flung? was flinging? flang?) the carcass.
Anyone get the hankerin' to pick some beans?
How about some blueberries? I'll pay you $1 a gallon?
that's like $1 an hour!

friggin' idiot!
You guys are retarded!
can you bring me some chapstick?
FYI there is a band named Carcass.

That worries me.
Eli had one of their albums to see what it was about. not very good
Five more minutes and I should be able to use the ruler contraption. I didn't feel it would be a good idea to use it with girls watching. I don't want to have to explain the "pushing dead bunny carcass off roof" thing.
Mission Accomplished!

Please tell me it hit someone
A little kid ran screaming yelling
"mom!!!! It's raining dead things again!!!"
I said "Don't worry Jason, I'm sure it will stop soon"
It must have been a cold front that came through.
Laugh if up you punks!! I have had some bad experiences with dead things falling on my head. And what is whith this Neil Dimond?
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