Tuesday, June 06, 2006



The manufacturer of oscilloscopes.

Where would we be without them.
The oscilloscope and Beaverton.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity.

Chuck Norris crossed the road. No one dared question his motives.
I refuse to accept criticism from someone hiding under a table.
happy evilest day of the decade!

hope you all brought your goat skin leggings
I'm going to court. Poor fella.
Book 'em Danno

Dont take any guff from those swine
Some of my girls are afraid the world will end today. They are seriously freak out. It's fun to watch.
What they don't realize is that those crazy Romans totally messed up the calander, so todays date is really Friday, December 30, 2045.
Besides, the oscilloscope will make everything better.
Dude, we all the know the world will end on December 12, 2012. That is the day the Incan, Mayan and Egyptian calanders all end. And the babalonian. Tell yr girls they have like 6 1/2 years.
The Mayans were lazy and forgot to finish it.
Stupid Mayans. Well, did all the other forget as well? they ran a program through that Bible Code thing and that date come up with bad juju all over it. That is the day i am worried about. I shoudlnt say worried. more like, anticipating. makes me not want to do anything cause it will all end in six years. bummer.
and yes, juju is a scientific term
According to "legend" if you read one Psalm every year, it will tell you what is going to happen that year. And since there are 150 Psalms - we have until the year 2050 before it all ends.
What if you started earlier, or later? why does it begin in 1900?

or is that the pattern. is there anything in psalm 81 about a sweet dude being born? if not, it is all balogna
Is that european legend or african legend?
Do you know what I could do in 6 years??? More to the point, do you know how big my garden could get? I mean, if James had his way and all.
six yeas is nothing.
i could barley hitch hike to Batswana and back. what with the ocean and such
Could be tricky but I have faith in your ingenuity. As a matter of fact you could have mine to as I have never even once wasted any of it..
Six years is not enough for all the chocolate I still have to eat.
mmmmmmmmm.....apocalyptic chocolate
would that be like one of those dairy queen brownie explosions or a chocolate avalance?

sounds good. i mean mmmmmm......

i also heard that Chuck Norris once did just walk into Morrdor
Of course we let him pass. We also gave him his own ring and a batch of cookies.
He's one scary dude.
Oh why did you have to ention ice cream in any way shape or form. Now I'm gonna have to get a medium chocolate dipped in chocolate. No cherry please....
i take the long way to maggies in the summer for dairy queen. mmmm...long way ice cream

mmmmm..... forbidden cookies
Mmmm...Dairy Queen. I think I have to leave now!
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