Friday, June 02, 2006


Black Friday


for real
Good thing those nuns taught me all about disappointment at such an early's really come in handy livin' in this town.

Go Bucs!
so true, so true.

Hey, its only about 3 months until the Bills. GO BILLS!!!

that also means, FANTASY FOOTBAL!!!!

GO BLAZERS!!!!!!!!!
come on folks. FANTASY FOOTBAL!!!!!
Come on people - we should not have to think about that until at least August. BOOOO FANTASY FOOTBALL - for now. Come August and I will say - GOOOO NAMBY PAMBYS!!!
I sure hope the guys are having fun at the beach they can't swim in. I will no linger be the Hurricanes since I now have a personal vendetta. I will need all three months to work on a name change.
look, folks. I need somehting to get my mind off the loss. so, GO BILLS!!!!!!!

Not to poke fun Molly, but you should have known naming yr team after a Bob Dylan song was a bad idea. Seriously. You dont see me out there rooting for the Maggie's Farms or the Tangled up in Blues, although that aint a bad name
although to be funny, you could go from the hurricanes, to the shelters from the storm
phew, I was having trouble getting on all day.
Probably a Black Friday thing.
Go Super Beetles!!!
nuts to that! Chitter! Chitter!
Oh dear.
Where did that darn moose go!?!?
And then I went to the store and they said they were out of nuts!!!! How can you be a store and be out of nuts!!!! Outrageous!!!
I hate cars.
I hate dirt.
I couldn't have it be Black Friday AND not have the blog count get to 20.
Have a great weekend! Try to recoup. Remember, we do live in Buffalo.
i was having mad black friday problems too.
it is hard to real pissed about the hockey loss cause its 80 degrees with 100% humidity out there
its like im living in the carolinsas or somtrhing
i guess i have to hop on the band wagon with Tom.

Go Oilers!!!

What's the matter with "Maggie's Farms"?
I saw that Moose again!!!
Do you think it has something to do with the fact that I ate at the Moose last night? Herb paid his "Moose Dues". The mooses are driving me CRAZY!!!
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