Thursday, June 01, 2006


A moose once bit my sister.

Moose bites can be quite nasty you know.

Nothing quite like getting pie in the face wearing a moose hat.
Good times...good times...
At least watching someone else get pie in the face is where it's at.
I wish I could watch someone getting a pie in the face.
Go Sabres!
Really though.....GO BILLS!!!
Love ya, Mo. Indeed, GO BILLS!!!

and a more pressing matter, GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!
So, did james catch a pie with his face? is that part of wearing the moose hat?
He sure did. It was a whipped cream pie. He wasn't too sure about doing it, but once Lar gets something in his head...there was no backing down. He got an icecream sundae for his trouble.
I am very nervous about tonight.
Something must be wrong. Someone must not have pushed the button. I turned on the t.v. AND THERE WAS NO LOST!!!! I must have somehow slipped into another strange and demented dimension.

I'm frightened.
carefull lost junkie. whatever you do, don't touch anything. it could change the future in ways you could never imagine.

and there may be cubes the size of gorrillas
Uh I touched something. I hope this did not cause an uncontrolled series of events that causes whipped cream to taste like chicken.
There are alot and I mean ALOT of unmatched socks here.
It sound like a fun night with the moose....I can just imagine the pressure. I think I will now refer to it as the Larry factor.I do believe that there is some sort of physics formula that addresses this, by adding in factor L to any other event results in chaos.
That would be horrible! Do not joke about such things!
homer simpson
I think we will be coming to visit for the game Molly Pumpkin, if that's okay. But again...if it's not...I do have to bring up the Larry factor. You know...L=2fb
The colors blue, green and purple seem to be missing here as well.
get out now!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know. All the exits seem to lead into that Davey and Goliath show.
You know the door is always open....looking forward to it!! I may be late but help yourselves!!!
I don't know Davey. What if your dad finds out?
Oh lordy that show made me nervous. He was always getting in trouble. I do not think that at the time I realized that was the point.
i couldnt stand the wonder years. kevin was always doing somethign that was so wrong, and all he had to do was say something different. i hated it. i would yell at him and cuss. DONT DO IT!!!! SHUT UP ABOUT WINNIE COOPER!!!!! SHE HATES YOU< DONT YOU GET IT~!!!!!!!!!
Stupid Davey. Stupid Kevin. I should have had my own show. I would have called it Dogma. Or Dog eats Dog. Or Doggoneit

(reading this should take you at least 10 minutes in slow Goliath like manner)
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