Friday, June 09, 2006


Squirrel says...

It's drive your tractor to school day!
(I love this day :-)

That's the only reason it's not a repeat today.
Major blog touble yesterday.

Chitter! Chitter!
Plus the fact that JB was not around, but harassing tractor town folk. My house should not have been assessed at 1,000,000! It's a darn tree for crying out loud!

If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.
"Oh dear! I think I ran over a ninja back there!"

"Well, keep driving, we're late as it is! I mean it's not like we hit a collie or anything"

"I guess you're right."
You will NOT make crackers out of me!
I'll die before I let you kill me!

Try's freaky!
im back from pissing off townies

may, them folks were pissed

suzy, about yr tree, we found that was how much you had it insured for. plus its a 4/3 with an attached nut silo. thats pretty big
Morning squirrels. Can't wait for fuzzy's big birthday bash. JB - need the rain dance for cain only.....those plants need some water!
ill see what i can do. it normally works to within a mile, but maybe we could tone it down and have it just rain on yr garden. ill ask the spirits
hi-howrya! hi-howrya!

is it working?
I will keep you posted....
I have been getting death threats from those squirrels who don't like their assmts. They found that this is your legal address! HELP!!
I was almost run over by a huge blue tractor this AM with what appeared to be 2 male students driving! I figured that I had better go back into my hole for the day!

about the tractor, i mean
the assesment thing, oh well,
tell them that death treats wont work well in my deliberations
i was just playing 6 degrees of kevin bacon and i linked him to al quaida
Al quadia, is that like a fine cheese?
Maybe you should have been on Cain Road...cause it's raining here now. (In Buffalo) It's a good thing I collected my nuts earlier!

Chitter! Chitter!
yeah, sorry about that
a good song came on the radio and i just started busting a move, next thing you know it is raining. curse this gift i have
i hope everyone has a great weekend. hope the weather is nice and such.
i just dont really funny to say, but i cant stand the silence
ok, that web page is FREAKY!!!!

how the hell does that work!!!!!!!

I even looked at wrong symbols and it still came up with the right one WHAT THE F!!!!
nevermind. i figured it out

takes away the majik, though
You look for your Christmas presents too, don't you?
Oh wait. That's me.
Stupid reruns
Jb - Keep dancin'!
Oh, I'm gonna!!

Do the Rerun!!!
Is there anybody out there??? They didn't get toyou did they JB? I am hoping that anyone off today is taking a nap......
No,l am here. THis may be my last week of massive blogging as my new job may be a bit more strict in the blogging rules.
but, i am sure i will still blog. nothing makes me happier than fighting the man
You got the job??? Great for you!! Congrats and all that good stuff. Can I have your old job??? Ya know, if you're not gonna be using it and all.
that is true, i will not be using it. heheh

but you dont get to carry a gun for mine. That, to me, is a disadvantage. I need a job that requires, not just alows, but requires me to pack heat. if i remember from the video game, moon patrol makes you. as does a duck hunter
Do cupcake testers carry? Ps that's our lingo - do you carry?
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