Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The Great American Hope...defeated

Kobayashi 53 3/4
Joey 52

We love you Joey!
We were robbed!
If it was a nut eating contest, it's mine. Paws down. Chitter!
That Kobayashi...he's nuts!
Chuck Norris would blow all of those hotdog eating chumps out of there.
He'd probably eat the world record in one mouthfull.
At the center of the milky way, there is a giant black hole.
mmmmmmmmm...milky way
No Homer, not that sort of milky way. The galaxy.
That's it. I am out of here.
The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick"
is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
See, you couldn't even do it.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
The boogeyman also refers to the boogeyman in the third person. Got a problem with the boogeyman? Check your closet.
Boogeyman will be waiting.
Did you shower today?
The liver is good.
Next year, when this is on ESPN - DO NOT CALL ME. I do not need to ever see that again.
Seeing as we are approximately 2 months away from the start of football season . . . It is time to consider the OFFL. Who wants to be involved this year, what format, are we making changes, etc.?
you know i am down. can we make a change to incluse players in the CFL so i can draft Ricky again?
Ricky broke his arm!!!
what a flop of a draft
Robbed I tell you! Robbed!

Chitter! Chitter!
yr telling me Suzy.
Are you playing in the NFL this year? I would draft you.
I'm playing for the Packers this year. I'm awesome at packing those nuts away for the winter! Plus, they're not as squirrelly as some of those other teams. I'd play for the Cowboys, but that Owens is such a show boat. There's only room for one conductor on this squirrel train!

Chitter! Chitter!
Zebras ARE just glorified horses...and don't even get me started on those Pandas...

Chitter! Chitter!
But aren't you skwerls just mice on steroids that use volumizer on yr tails?
This is football not bikeracing! I ain't no roid squirrel!

Months, I train, carrying loads of nuts! Outraged I tell you! Outraged!

and it would appear that you get yr grammer from Yoda
That Yoda is a nutter! A bit squirrelly get he. Something. Something.
Nuts to that!!
face kickin' time!!
Ming! Where you been girlfriend?!?

,omh...that's Ming with fingers moved one place to the left.

miys yp yjsy@@@@
pj vpp;@ S drvtry vpfr@

Except that totally messes with my head. To much work for the summer with all the nut gathering I have to do.

Chitter! Chitter!
I'm feeling a bit squirrelly. It may be because of that diet of peanuts. I found out they aren't really nuts! Not a happy squirrel! I may have to chew through some electrical lines for revenge. Why would you call them peanuts if they are not nuts!
And tomatoes. A fruit?!?!? That's just insane.

cucumbers are melons and cherries are lilacs

bananas are also berries
My brain has just exploded.

It's not pretty.

Next you'll be telling me the world is round. And that it's not center of the universe. Sorcerer. We may have to have a witch burning!!! Bring out the flaming ball of death!!
and i heard there are realy 12 planets!

wild stuff
And our universe is older than they believed, which means it is larger, which throws a kink in the whole thing. i guess that means it is faster as well.

chitter indeed
Faster than me in a nut race? I highly doubt it. Bring it on universe!!! Let's see what ya got!
do you do surf races? it looks like you can haul ass on that board
You know it dog! But it's only a hobbie. Nut racing is the real deal.
nut races sound like crazy business. nuts to that
Hey. If Suzy or the Super Beetles would ask Jenny for me. What is Jason's football schedule and where the games are played. thanks
His games start on Saturday, September 2nd at 12pm in Eden at the legion. He's had a couple of scrimmages and looks so cute in his uniform. He would love to have you come to his games.

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