Wednesday, September 06, 2006




I'm back.
I'm not feeling very well.
Well enough to know that I will whip the Pesticides this year!!!

Go Super Beetles!!!
Really, why even go through the motions of playing this year. It will just end up being a dessert dinner again.
Although I am still in a sugar coma from Monday.
Maybe it's a school coma.
Or a comma.
Go Super Beetles!!!

We have desert power. or is it dessert power?

whatever. The spice must flow
I am so happy the Super Beetles are back. Hope they had a restful summer.

Go Roadrunners - Beep! Beep!
Dessert power!
mmmmmmmmm...chocolate cake
I'm not sure when the other line-ups will be in. Our phone is down, so I will bring the others in to school manana. Gracias!
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