Friday, September 29, 2006


These worms, they will not eat us.

I hope.

All that johnson talk got the blog flagged.
that sounds about right.
its like fear factor in here with the worms
It reminds me of goulash.
way to ruin golag for me
oh, goulag, i cant stay mad at you
mmmmmmmmmmmmm....wormy goulash
Nuts to that!
There has been a trade with the Sleepers.

Roadrunners trade Kellen Winslow (TE) for Corey Dillon (RB).
Is anyone interested in Chad Johnson. I couldn't go down for Cadillac Willams (eventhough he does have a cool name)
Kevin Jones?!?
Come on. It's not like Chad is producing right now...;-)
You know you want to.
Bend to the pressure.
I'll even throw in Crotchery.
or Horn...
You'd be nuts not to!
All of Chad's value is still locked up in his potential.
Think of Kevin's potential!
You were supposed to be desperate and emotional the other day with the Terrell Owens situation and then just jump on the Chad for Rudi trade. Now, you are making me think.
How about Chad and the Buffalo D for Rudi?
does anyone want to trade me a dozen paper clip[s for a 3 year old twinkie? it is still good.

oh wait. this isnt craigs list
mmmmmmmmm....twinkle toes...
How about Kevin Jones and Horn for Chad.
Plus the knowledge of the juju, that these two are guarenteed to perform once they leave me.
Plaxico, Randy Moss many years over and numerous others are testament to this fact.
oh sorry, did I disturb the princess????
good ol' plaxiglass
Joe Horn averaged just 6 points a game last year and doesn't look too promising this year.

Kevin Jones average 9 points a game last year and is less prouctive than Joe Addai, whom you waived, this year.

I'm going to have to pass. Besides, I already have a stable full of second rate running backs, I really need another good running back.


I didn't know you could speak whale!
You must be hitting the pipe hard today. Rudi has 3 times more points than Chad. You can't expect more than crap for crap. BTW, Carnell did great last year! (Since you are basing this on last year performance.) Straight up Chad for Carnell! You know you want to!
The boys had so much fun last night Molly Pumpkin! Thanks!
Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
i fail to see the relavance of me hitting th epipe hard. seriously.
and so what if i speak whale? i might as well be steve- o
where's mamoo????
tapeworms? we should be thrilled. thats how the models stay so thin
Chad for Carnell may be more fair then Chad for Rudi, but alas, I already have too many second rate rbs and now with a rookie qb down in TB it may actually get worse for the Cadillac, so I will have to pass.
I once had a tape worm. I just kept eating for days. It turned out in the end that I did not have a tape worm afterall. I was just a glutton, hence the moniker of "fat guy"
Hey Chad, pick up the cordless.
That is correct! That is correct!
Or better because they will have to run more. Huh? Huh? You know I'm right.
At least I can rest assured that because you rejected him, he's guarenteed a good game this week. Bad juju and all.
ah, the juju
juju makes the world go round
I shall call him squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my squishy!
that was a funny movie
Dory was nuts!
The seagulls saying "mine mine mine" was such a great representation of the seagull.
Darn rats of the sea.
one time on that show Dexter's lab, he gave his dog apill to make it speak and it just rambled on "Food for me? food for me?" until the pills wore off.
What??? No Saturday post???

No one in the bloggosphere to help me with my lineup dilemmas??? Do I start Stallworth even though he has a sore hammy??? Do I have to start Chad, even though he is not producing??? Do I go with Derrick Mason?? Should I go with the three running back look??? Is this the week Reggie Bush finally sees the end zone????

Oh the pressure!!!!!
Where is the advice column?

Chad Johnson for Kevin Jones????

It would leave me weak at the WR position, but then I could go with the three RB format. I'm not sure that I can hang on to Chad much longer????? I'll have to check to see who is available on waivers.
Hey Shai Halud, how about Chad Johnson for Willie Parker????
People know I don't have any understanding of this fooseball thing you speak of. I don't know about the worms, but there are slugs all over angola....eeeekkkk!!!!
But I do want to draft J-Dog.
Let the obessing over the scores begin.

Oh how I wish I were outside today.
Who is Malcolm Floyd??? (although it is a really cool name.)
Who cares who he is...with a name like that, he must be fun to hang around. Except I would have to avoid him in a dark alley.
M Harrison - 7 rec 79 yrds
Dre Johnson - 9 rec 101 yrds 1td
S Smith - 10 rec 87 yrds 1td

Boy I hope that Chad brings his A game to combat this.
Go Bills!!!

Did they have to make it that dramatic??
Why is Corey Dillon playing????? The Sleepers have fallen under the bad juju spell.

Come on Chad!
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