Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Did you see the Vorgenstagen?

I swear it had some Augersnauger with it.

Angry Baby is still very angry.
Mainly because Eli threw a td pass to Plaxico on what, the 2nd play of the game?
Curse you fantasy football juju!
If someone can just copy this and put it on th Teusday post for me, that would be great. (this is for all of you who need the scores first thing Teusday morning)

The Sleepers win in a yawner over the Penguin by a score of 74 to 62.5
(Really, it is a good thing that L Tomlinson is on the Sleepers or I would have nothing. Although, he did come up short on the trifecta in Sunday's game, only throwing and receiving a touchdown. The Penguin receiving corp came up short this week. They could really use Su Alexander. Stupid Madden Curse)

The Roadrunners were able to outrun the Pesticide and survive a highscoring affair bya score of 121.5 to 114.5. (It appears that the Matt Hassellbeck injury allowed the Roadrunners to hang on. Both teams had players lighting it up, Led by Hines Ward and B Westbrook)

LTNC could not hold off the Ligers losing by a score of 119 to 73 (So Peyton Manning does not have a soul? Similar to the Penguins receiving corp, LTNC's RB attack failed him ths week. Where was LaMont?)

Shai Halud was no match for the struggling Super Beetles winning 120.5 to 88. (Is it right for a tight end to score three touchdowns? And poor Drew Bledsoe, getting the hook. He gets no respect. It wasn't like Mr. Romo came in and looked any better??)(Is that Chad Johnson for Kevin Jones trade still an option?? Doh!)

The Raiders were able to win despite a poor showing, besting the Rockets by a score of 76 to 63.5 (The Rockets needed to get in touch with the Ligers and pull a swap for Tom Brady. A move that would have put them over the top. And what happened to Matt? After such a strong showing last week? Good thing that the Raiders receiving trio came through again. You have to love the spread offence)

With Luck, I will post the standings tomorrow (or today, Teusday)

Also, the Waiver draft closes at 6:00pm on Friday.

The Commish
What the heck happened to Tuesday?
Standings after Week 7

Raiders 6-1 627
LTNC 5-2 615
Sleepers 4-2-1 596.5
Roadrunners 4-3 622
Pesticide 3-3-1 642
Shai Halud 3-4 650
Ligers 3-4 575.5
Penguins 3-4 525.5
Rockets 2-5 569
Super Beetles 1-6 544.5

The Season is halfway over. Remember that the regular season is over after week 14 and the playoffs are week 15 and 16. Its time to start making your moves to solidify your roster.

Can the Raiders be stopped in the second half of the season (they are finding ways to win the close ones) Can the Super Beetles change course? (Things have got to be rough in Langford for the Super Beetles) Can Shai Halud translate points into wins? We shall see.
I reiterate (or something like that)

Stupid List! Bane of my existance!
Stupid Tony Romo
I am seriously willing to deal players for delicious desserts.
Even a bag of candy.
Although I may still need them so I don't have to plan the dinner.
do you see my friggin points total?!?!?!?!?!
what the fugazi
humerously, the kid whose house i was watching MNF at needed Jay feely to get about 7 FG's. it looked like he was about to for a while there
What the????!!! How'd the raiders get so many wins. Fix this people!!! We'll probably have to eat borshdt. (My spelling made it look even funnier that I thought). I hope you know I mean some sort of german stew. And not what comes out of a boar after dinner. I'm so glad angry baby made it back.
I really thought you had a potty mouth.
I think it's a made up word though.
The boys and I were watching this candy making show, and I swear every other word was a made up "German" word.

Then we put the agerschnager into the weiderschnitzer to make the naugenbagen.
Yeah right! Like there's really such a thing as a naugenbagen.
Verstehen Sie, was ich meine?
Since my language ringer at work speaks Spanish and getting a German translation would take some time, here is the Sleepers proposal to the Super Beetles:

Te ofresco Chad Johnson y una bolsa de Kit Kats para Kevin Jones
Ich verstehe, was du sagst. Ich gerade verstehe nicht, über was du sprichst.
Sie sind man whacked Hund, Gecken.
The only problem is Chad is worse than any of my other receivers. I'll have to think about it, but you may have to add a pound of swedish fish to the mix.
Deutscher ist so kühl
it looks like Shai Halud brought to you by Snickers may be makinga QB trade to the Rockets in a move that may shoot them to the moon. Seeing as how I could have (should have) played Vick. That would have been fun.
Potential!! Potential!! Chad is going to pull through soon. I am willing to throw in the Swedish Fish.
Why won't anyone trade with the Ligers.

Do the Ligers want Chad Johnson for Tom Brady? Then you can go with the three wide receiver set and not have to worry about picking up another running back.
oh, and by the way
I don't even know what you mean by wide receiver set? Huh? Should I be looking at the rules?
Commish is just saying that you have the option of playing 1 RB and 3WR, 2RB and 2WR or 3RB and 1 WR, so if you are short on RB, you can fill in with a WR if you have that ability.
But be careful, because someone can RB you the WR way
And then you could end up like Angry Baby.
And Angry Baby is not called Angry Baby cause Angry Baby is happy go lucky.
Hop inside my mouth if you want to live
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine (to infinity - and beyond)
Rockets are going to get blown away this weekend. Mark my words (or in this day in age, publish my words on a blog)
Hey people!!!! Maybe I should have known that when I didn't have enough rb's cause of the bye week and all. Who knew??????
Saltar dentro de mi boca si deseas vivir
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