Wednesday, October 11, 2006


oh Paris...

You don't fall in love with people
that make you want to crap your pants.

Oh No!!! It's October 11th!!!
what is up with oct 11
a supossedly fun thing i will never do again
Great news!! Paris and Nikki are friends again!! They are going to do another Simple Life - this time as camp counselors.
Whatever you do, do not send you children to that camp.
wasnt that how the Jason movies started? dumb couselors?
its funny person. We found her.
The Ligers have a quarterback up for sale. I can't remember his name but I do know it's the other one. Meaning not manning. Anyone looking for a qb?
the rockets are in the market. what ju want, meng?
david foster wallace

A compressed history of infinity
So the ligers know, there are plates of cookies and possibly pies for a quarterback of that caliber. but or course, name yr price. the rockets are looking to mave up in the QB area.
I will give my whole team up for a dessert dinner!
(hee hee hee :-)
Could someone e-mail me Pengy's phone #? Thanks!
I am willing to delve out Rudi for pies and truffles, Brees for cream puffs and Gates for lemon raspberry mouse cake.
Dessert dinner here I come!
sounds like a plan meng.
check yr email. the number is there
I will be consulting with my co-owner to see what player position is needed. And I am certain that all this food talk is making me hungry. Boy I could use a cookie.
I offer you Marc Brunell, a bag of Bit o Honey, and a box of chocolate covered marshmallows for Tom Brady.
Thanks JB!
Chocolate covered marshmallows!?!? Pick me! pick me!!!
27 candybars and a six pack of root beer.

three Florence Nightengale records and a beer nuts can with spring loaded snakes in them.

this is a list of funny things, right?
i just realized you said crap your pants. now that is funny!
My team has no QB :(
But I can locate a variety of pies...
Oh I am so utterly confused. Who craped their pants??? Is Marc Brunell a QB? And is he playing this week?
Marc Brunell is a Quarterback for the Washington Redskins. He is 12th overall in yards thrown and has thrown 4 TDs and only 2 ints.
check here

He really is not that bad, but really I wanted Brady at the draft and someone took him before I had the chance. Who knew the Ligers were going to draft two quarterbacks in the first two rounds?

I just have a thing for Tom Brady. He is soooo dreamy. (and I believe that when they make the Tom Brady story into a movie, Matt Damon will play Tom Brady and is is very dreamy also)
Really, that was my wife who added that last comment.
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