Monday, October 02, 2006


Week something waiver

Which seems kind of funny.
I will probably cut Fred for Joe this week.
Watch for the drama!

Waive Ben Troupe
Pick up - Marques Colston

Current bid - 1
Waive - Aaron Brooks
Pick up - Brett Favre

Current bid - 1
Ignore above waiver/draft. Withdrawing pick up of Brett Favre.

Waive - Aaron Brooks
Pick up - Jon Kitna

current bid - 1
Maybe I will have to reconsider my waiver move?? I'm not sure that I can let you do that.
wave hidy ho to Horn
pick up Marques Colston

Current bid - 2
I don't know about these pulling bids. I think there needs to be a rule that if you pull a bid you lose it until next week. Or at least a rule saying no pulling bids. You should know who you want before you post it. Right now it hasn't mattered but it could mess with others in their draft.
Waive - Chris Simms
Pick up - Chad "pick up the chordless" Pennington
current bid 2, yeah that's right, I bid 2. So there.
I think that pulling bids on players needs to be allowed. If someone out bids you for the player that you were going after and then you still want another player, you should be able to.

(Like what is bound to happen this week with either Colston of Kitna)
Waive Ben Troupe
Pick up - Marques Colston

Current bid - 10
Waive Ben Troupe
Pick up - Marques Colston

Current bid - 10
waive horn
pick up colston
current bid -- this one goes to 11 and a lead pipe to the knee.
Of course it's not a threat.
Do you feel threatened?
If no one else is using their waiver points, do I get them all?
Since I'm the low scorer and all.
Come on!
My team sux! Whoooo Hoooo!
Listen, I'm just trying to make everyone who lost last year feel better about themselves.
why couldn't the super beetles have gone after a different receiver??? Now I have a dilemma on my hands.
Maybe I should just let Marques go. I saw what happened to Fred last week. The Super Beetles have the bad juju.
I hereby concede Marques Colston to the Super Beetles for a bid of 11. Too rich for my blood.

Therefore, I now:

waive: Trent Greene
pick up: Marc Brunell

current bid - 1
waive joe schmo
pick up Marc Brunell

Current bid -- 2
Just messin with ya Sleepers! Who is it that I got? Does that mean my actual bid goes back to one? You did drop out. I don't think anyone is counting anyway. ;-)
No, your bid does not go back to one. I would take him at 10, but not at 11. If you want Brunell insted....

You just bid above where I wanted to go. I think that you just wanted Colston because I had bid for him first anyway.
Oh, and I'm counting.

Remaining points for the super beetles - 88
Sleepers bid 12 for marques Colston.

... Just Kidding

10 more minutes
Waiver wire now closed

Roadrunners - J Kitna 1 point
Super Beetles - M Colston - 11 points
Raiders - Chad P 2 points
Sleepers - M Brunell - 1 point
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