Wednesday, November 01, 2006



(Sugar coma)

Apparently it's also a band.
I don't know if those are the appropriate vowels, but I'm feeling it.
Sugar Coma...

Who are they? A feisty nu-metal foursome from London.

Really. They say so.
What do they sound like?

A shouty Lacuna Coil jamming Nirvana covers with Pantera.
I can't deal with shouty when in a Sugar Coma. What are they thinking?!?!?
sounds like a party. i like luna coil
For some horrific trick or treaters left candy on my doorstep.....what's this holiday for anyway???? I could really use a mallow cup.
donut coma! Mike and Ike coma! Almond Joy coma! I am so happy!! Thanks Gramma, it was all delicious!!
Can you believe there were no Mallow cups yesterday!?!?! I know. The horror. Grandma Maggie couldn't find any and we were horrified. Had to just eat KitKat.
Yes, the cat.
What do you mean there were KitKat candy bars left over?!?!?
I thought JB ate them all!
You mean I ate a cat for no reason?!?!
Well, except that it was tasty.
That's kind of a good reason.
But I have fur in my mouth now and I wouldn't have to have had that.
Just melted chocolate goodness.
I think the mallow cups became quite an issue last night. Everyone was asking for them! We will have to stock up on the after Halloween sales if we see them.
honestly, i thought i ate all the kit kats, too. i must be slipping
and thanks Mom!!!!!
There were kitkats left??? R U serious about the mallow cups??? i'm laughing over here...thought it was just me.
I just like that the the website is "my candy supplier"
Lovely Missing Mallow Cups
Oh delightful Mallow Cup. Why must you torment me so.
Only 7 more hours until Lost!!!!
Did you see Veronica Mars! I swear it was the best episode yet. The way that guy ripped off her necklace!!! And when she went off on him!!! Classic.
Sperm whales are nothing to laugh at.
true. i scoffed at one's magazine collection once. oh man, never again.
Scoffing will always get you in trouble.
dude, no need to tell me again. it seems as if every time i scoff at something, i get my @$$ whooped. then i scoff at that as well.

criquet players doping. now that is a scoffable offence
ok folks, say a prayer for Kris and myself as we are headed on a journey. Love you all and will miss you. Also as far as football, Kris and i have traded Vick for Young and Culpepper. I will rock same as last week only Portis in the place and stead of henry. Kris the same but Vick in the QB spot. Love ya'll!!!
Drive carefully and have some fun!!
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