Thursday, November 09, 2006


They keep looking at me.

It's really weirding me out, dude.

Holy cowabunga what a Lost! I can't wait til February!!!! What are they thinking. At least we'll get 16 weeks in a row.
dems have the senate and the sun is shinning.
Yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cowboy!
and futhermore,

GO BILLS!!!!!!!
who portrayed HST better, Bill Murray or Johnny Depp??
Now the Democrats will actually have to do something and not just complain about the republicans. I'm not too sure that they are up to the task.
The Rockets may want to look for a wide receiver. I saw a report last night that Amani (its not a) toomer is out for the season with a left knee injury.
Is it true that they are having contract difficulty with the actors for Lost and that is why the remainder of the season was not shot and now they may have to change the format of the show and let a number of character0s go???
I glad to see that in America you can be involved in a coverup of solicitation of minors and still get reelected to congress. It gives me faith in the system.
johnny depp, by far. HST hated the bill mury portrayal because he did not ask hunter any questions. Depp spent about 3 months living with HST. he said the first night he got there, HST made him sleep in the basement on a keg of gunpowder because he said the best way to see what a person was realy like was to see them afraid.
I know that was the case for one of the actors and they killed him off last week, but I don't think that is the case for any of the others or "others". Get it!?! Hahaha! (some lost humor)
I think Michael and Walt were "sent home" because of contract problems and Walt was getting too big for the time that was elapsing.
So in that case, Bill Murray was probably the best cause he didn't suck up.
Maybe they could try giving us someone better to vote for than a liar and a crook and an insane crook and a liar.
The problem is only crooks, liars and the insane have the money to run for these offices.
or the desire
the bill mury movie was basically bill being bill (Funny, no doubt) where depp was being hunter, which was humerous. it was my favorite depp role.
i am going to go home and watch them both
What are the top three Jonny Depp movies???


Edward Scissor Hands
The Legend of Sleepy Hallow
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

The Pirates of the Carribean
Fear and Loathing
Willy Wonka

or maybe you are still on the 21 Jump Street bandwagon
are you all wearing your name tags???
He was psycho in Willy Wonka. It was histerical.
i did go buy the willie wonka, because he was nuts. and he pulled a few funny HST moves in it. he was also good in blow. and pirates although i have not seen the second
just as a living will, should i die i want my remains exploded and shot out of a cannon like HST. live by the explosion, die by the explosion
it never got weird enough for me.
HElp me Obi-Wan. You're my only hope!
You are part of rebel alliance!
i have off tomorow. Thank you Vets!!!!
but, honestly, i feel better about this day off then for columbus day
Wish I had the day off - but alas, I do not - apparently it is "free day" for me. Which simply means I get to file all day - YUCK!!
So...what to the Raiders want for Javon Walker or Steve Smith???? I've got Damon Huard or Jake Delhomme????

Come on...I know you need help at the QB spot.
Veterans' Day always reminds me of your Dad. We all had off and he - the Real Veteran - was the only one who had to work. Whoever said life was fair? Enjoy the day.
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