Tuesday, November 21, 2006



Go Beetles get your hands up go Beetles get your hands up!woooowoooowwooowooo!!!!!

I guess 510 yards did make a difference!
I'm comin' for ya super bowl!!!!
I think the ladybug may be puking up pieces of Tiki Barber's leg.
i am making my run at the title. I coulda been a contenda!!
kit kat party, here we come!!!

this all depends of course, on the raiders stars to be sitting on the bench that week in preperation of the upcomming playoffs.
Someone needs to call a jinx. But not on me...oh please, not on me.
I don't feel very good.
so the jinx missed.

just get Tank to say the name of that play about something that smells bad in Denmark, where the forest comes to the king and he is killed by a mon not born of woman. that's bad juju in the theatre.
if i win, i could have deuchland twice in a month. and so could all of you!
I think when you mix deuchland and kitkats it creates something only found in the 5th dimension.
It frightens me.
So where are my props for throwing the game and doing a solid for Shai Halud???
What, you actually thought that I picked up Ledell Betts because I actually thought that Washington would use him? No, I cut Maroney because I knew that he would gain 80 yards rushing and another 45 receiving and have a touchdown. I just did not want to have to beat my brother and give him a fighting chance at the playoffs.

Really, what, you don't believe me??
What's wrong with that bug???
You know Super Beetles, that with a little better team management earlier in the year, you could be in the hunt for the playoffs right now.

Zach Hilton in Week 3?? Drafting Drew Bledsoe and actually playing him?

What didn't you have your list when you were drafting???
If I had the list, I would be #1 right now. That is guarenteed.
Stupid list.
If I had the list, GW would not have been re-elected either.
Now you tell me that you wish I didn't have the list.
Does anyone want a top notch defense for a running back??? or wide receiver Or QB?
Don't worry, it all goes back to that 5th dimension deuchland stuff.
You're just going to hurt your head if you think about it too much.
hey, thanks for the dive, Sleepers!
You will find an extra story on your house tonight.
Umm, Super Beetles, You already cut Crotchery in Week 9 to pick up Ahman Green. You will have to cut someone else.
silly list. i still would have gotten frank gore. al's brother
no, keep cutting him. he deserves multiple cuts.
i thought i cut you!
I figured cause his name was Crotchery that I could cut him as many times as I want.
Who said anything about slicing you up? I just wanted to carve a little "z" in your forehead.
So who is going out tonight???? Biggest bar night of the year.
not me. well, maybe to the movies or the arcade. not the bars. although, i do not have cable and the sabres are playing the leafs. maybe i will hit the bar for a bit.
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