Thursday, December 07, 2006


Angry Tank says...


Never and I mean NEVER mess with angry Tank.
The boys are getting themselves souped up with static electricity and zapping eachother.
Good times...good times.
The sounds of my room are rub, rub, zap, OW!!!!!!!!!! giggle, giggle, giggle, rub, rub, zap, OW!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggle, giggle, giggle.
A little Angry Baby for Angry Tank.
I'm not sure who scares me more. It's really a toss up.
Actually, are both really cute when they are angry. It's hard not to laugh.
Good ol' Tank. Nothing acn stop his BlitzKreig
static shock.
i have been getting zapped all morning, but it is just because it is dry where i am.

look at the "wishes" one at the bottom
JEn, you will love these
I so wish I had found those on my own. It would have been months worth of blog pages!
I have been busy dealing with a yogurt incident.
If you recall the bunny out the window incident, it was fairly similar.
I was using the window sill as a refrigerator and unfortunatly, the sill is somewhat slanted.
I had to make new extendy rulers to get at the yogurt, but they weren't sturdy enough to grab with, so I had to push the yogurt off the side of the building. Then I had to escape to get the said yogurt, hoping that it didn't explode.
A little suspense.
It hadn't exploded and appears to be fine.
I will go enjoy my yogurt now.
I am not sure if I really like yogurt, except to keep typing yogurt and to actually say yogurt. What a weird word.
I like La Creme, but this is not La Creme.

that is funny.

Does La Creme even count as yogurt? It is more like a mousse dessert :) Yum :)
I love yogurt...ebgt.
I was trying to think what that sounded like.
For those (sci-fi fans)of you with nothing better to do than look at top 100 lists... Here is a site for you.
Not that this is a place for social commentary, but this article is interesting.

It is about how their are now more people living in poverty in the suburbs than in cities.

The part that floored me was that the income level was $15,577 for a family of three????? Shocked, I was.

One person couldn't live on that, let alone three!
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