Friday, December 15, 2006


Deep into the darkness peering,

long I stood there wondering fearing.
Fearing that I would lose the toilet bowl!
Stupid list.
Stupid Lenore.

Just cause he needed some name to rhyme with before.
And what the heck is up with the spelling of rhyme? Some crazy whack job thought up that one.
Go Frank GOre!!!

Bless the list.

Stupid LEnore
I just wanted to say ditto. I really am not in agreement.

Great job Catie!!!!!

And congratulations Kathryn. That's great to hear.
so everyone remembers, Hanukkah begins at sundown.
We saw the Northern Lights at our house yesterday and a bunch a shooting stars.
It was super cool, but I think Jack was getting freaked out.
End of the world and all.
Congrats Kathryn!
i am pissed i missed it. the aurouras borealis is the only thing i have never seen. i have missed it repeatedly.
This is only the second time I have seen it and both were when I was in the boonies. Too much "light polution" in other areas. That was a Mr. Science response. I really don't want to take credit for it.
That stuff is so amazing. Wish I had seen it. I have been staring up at the sky anyway the last couple of nights because it had been so clear. The stars were really something to see!!
Shai Halud is gonna rock this! I cannot wait for a kit kat meal, with kit kat spoulsons.
Hi Pengy!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Buzz sha ba!
Hey Sleepers, did you hear te Quatar took the gold medal in soccor in the Aisian gaems beating Iraq. crazy
oh, and I will beat you
I am a bit fearfull of loosing to Shai Halud. I thought that this was the year that I could make it past the first round of the playoffs and into the SuperBowl. I will feel like the Indianapolis Colts if I can't make it over this hurdle.

Seattle is awful. Their defense just fell apart in the fourth quarter and their lack of a coherent offensive game plan was pitiful. I guess that the Bills are not the only team with problems.
Dance Dance Revolution?????
Is it too much to ask to get 50 points from Tomlinson???

Things are looking bad for the Sleepers vs Shai Halud.

The Sleepers are trailing by 45 points right now. (still have 5 players to SH's 3, but that is not promising)

31 points from the New England Defense???? What's that all about??
Are You kidding me R Gould missed the 37 yard field goal??? that's an 4 points that I loose.

Matbe the Chicago defense can get a sack, recover the fumble and run it in for a touchdown. that would be a sweet 10 points for me.
after the early games are complete, the Sleepers are trailing Shai Halud by 25


Both teams have 3 players to go

SH - manning, burress, and viniteri

Slp - Tomlinson, bell, and stallworth
LTNC - 35.5
Raiders - 47

Both teams have three players to go.

LTNC - James, Addai, Housemanzadah
Rai - Jackson, Johnson, Harrison
Is Dante Stallworth even playing????

I think that I should begin preparing my concession speech.

Really, is 50 points from Tomlinson too much to ask. It is possilble.

You know it is.
It was Mike Bell that I played, not Tatum Bell. Right??


Stupid Kevin Jones. I want may KitKat Bites back.
Hey commish! What about the loser bowl scores!?!
mmmmmmm...those kitkats sure were good
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