Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hair plugs are so last year.

Fer sher!

Uggg!! I don't want to say anything for fear the karma fairy will come after me to remove my have and leave me no other option. Really. It looks good.
That's kind of gross.
Week 14 final scores

Shai Halud 116.5 vs Penguins 76.5
Pesticide 99.5 vs Ligers 50
Sleepers 114 vs Roadrunners 77.5
Rockets 78 vs LTNC 70.5
Super Beetles 148.5 vs Raiders 81
Sleepers 10-3-1 1322.5
Raiders 10-4 1321.5
LTNC 9-5 1209.5
Shai Halud 8-6 1284
Roadrunners 7-7 1279.5
Rockets 7-7 1133.5
Pesticide 6-7-1 1250.5
Super Beetles 5-9 1109.5
Ligers 4-10 1087.5
Penguins 3-11 974
Playoff Matchups

Super Bowl
Sleepers vs Shai Halud
Raiders vs LTNC

Toilet Bowl
Pesticide vs Penguins
Super Beetles vs Ligers
Ok Jenny Bug - whatever you need to throw the game....
oh wait...did I post that...I meant it to be a secret.
2st, gross. please take that photo down. 2nd,
this is the time we beat the sleepers
I heard that L.T. broke both his legs during a wicked DDR session. Tough luck sleepers.
What!?!? You people have no problem with Richard Simmons pictures, but this grosses you out???
I don't get it.
I so want Jeremy to have to plan the party.
Look at all the bald heads!
Or should I say, plugged heads.
still more gross than simmons.
uumm.. GO SHAI HALUD!!!!!!

Victory is mine!!!

The spice must flow. #1 sci-fi book ever!!
I will need to have a list of dinner requests so that I can determine who to root for. Please advise.
seriously though, who is LTNC and what does it stand for.
HI all - GROSS - I also prefer the Richard Simmons eye candy :)

LTNC is Jack - Black sharks of Doom ala Espanol (Los Tiberones...)
...darn list...
i will probably rock deuchland and kit kats. GO SHAI HALUD!!
Oh - you just sealed the deal. Nothing against anyone else but I had a kitkat the other day and holy cow, I had foprgotten how tasty and delicious.
i like to remind myself weekly of the tasty-ness of the kit kat
get the friggen hair plugs off you bogert
I would like a dessert dinner. I'm pretty sure I'm going to win again this year. My list tells me so.
What?? You aren't rooting for the tailgate party. Think sausage and beer while standing in the cold weather.

What are DDR sessions?
I'm sure we could fit hair plugs in for dessert somewhere.
mmmmmmmm....hair plugs
Dance Dance Revolution!
Get with the times old man!
all the kids are doing it. dance dance
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