Monday, December 18, 2006


Lost Cow

Where are the Udders?

It's really Holy Cow, but I need my Lost fix
What the heck Commish!?! Where are the midnight scores???
How do I go from 148 points one week to 32 the next??? Whassupwittat????
Go Shai Halud!!

and I guess I owe a bit to the Cheifs Defense
Morning folks. I kinda like being in the middle - no stress anymore. Npw just waiting for my assignment on what to bring :)
kit kats.
You shouldn't udder such a thing. It's offensive.
I udderstand.
blessed be that cow.
KitKats are udderly delicious.
Who's as excited as I am????? Hey if the superbeetles only got 32 points does that mean the ligers have a chance. (you dont have someone left that usually gets 100 points do you??)
Tom said I beat him prety good. here's hoping.

where are the prelim. scores? so I know how many points my kicker needs?
I concede and give Shai Halud L.T. and the Bears D to take with them to the Super Bowl. Seriously, this is the Sleepers!
That Bears DLet me down yesterday, with only 9 points.

The New England D came up big with 31 points.

Truly the difference in the matchup.
I was too busy consoling the Sleepers to continue with the scores last night.
Perhaps, this afternoon.

I have a little mjo who does not seem to want me to complete the scores.
mjo needs to learn that math can be just as much fun as trucks.

Merry Christmas!!! (just practicing)

Go Bills!
Wait for it.....

I'm laughing too much to actually type the scores right now.
Actually, MJO just wants to type his letters and does not want dad to do his scores.

He enjoys typing his name, among other ramdom combinations of letters.
OK, so here goes.

Some of these are not complete. It seems that every player in tonights game is on someone's roster (stupid Chad Johnson)

Shai Halud is through to the Super Bowl beating the Sleepers by a score of 99 to 93 (SH still has a kicker going this evening) The Reversal of defensive scores was the difference. Stupid New England Defense. Why did Chcago have to go into the Tank this week??? Stupid gun laws.

Yeah Brendan!!

Raiders lead LTNC by a score of 73 to 48.5 going into MNF.
LTNC still has J Addai and TJ Houshmanzadah and Raiders still have Harriso and Johnson to play. (I so should have thrown the last game of the season)

Super Beetles and Ligers???

Oh wait... The Ligers lead by a score of 65 to 36 (behind a strong defensive performance, 27 points out of Pittsburgh) SB has R Johnson and Cincinnati defense and Ligers hav P Manning on MNF.

The Penguins have averted a repeat of last year defeating the Pesticide by the score of 77 to 64 (-3 by P Rivers was not good for the Pesticide and the Penguin had a strong showing from theor defense, 22 points from Dallas)

Could the Super Bowl matchup of last year meet in the Toilet Bowl of this year????


Now my spirits are lifted after a tough loss to SH.
WooHoo!!!! I feel so much better knowing that I will meet my old arch evil nemesis in the toilet bowl. How funny is that. Congrats Penguins! I really am so happy for you!
Great job sha la la bla! Poor Sleepers. The Colts of the OFFL league.
I somehow feel a little let down.....I got dibs on bringing the kitkats....(of course even if they are not requested).
What is this, if we win we can pillage players from the losing team? Unfortunately LTNC does not have anybody worthwhile that the Raiders in their quest for dominance needs.
As always, $$$$ Raiders $$$$
I am very surprised that the Raiders showed up today. They must have been worried about their scores.

Go Super Beetles!!!
I am still positive I made it to the Super Bowl this year.
Sleepers being compared to the Colts??? All the sleepers did was ride poor LT until they broke his back. I do happen to agree with the Sleepers and the stupid gun laws in Chi-town. I mean come on, he was only on probation for a misdemeanor weapon charge, why can't he have six more handguns in his house. There just holding the man down.
The Raiders never worry, we simply show up to gloat, any other comments can be directed to Tank, and he will deal with them personally.
If JB wins, someone is going to have to beg the Magster to make spolsens (?). I tried once. It wasn't pretty. Although I think it had its own gravitational pull and may been a species of life unto itself.
I am not saying that I am The God. I am just a god.
a spolsens god?

i may rock some other foods as my party will be close to my birthdya and i may still be digesting the spolsens from then.
Rumor has it, it could take up to 23 days to properly digest a spolsen. And even at that rate, you may still feel full on day 24.
translate full=fairly close to the angel of death. or the angle of death...depending on the degree of illness.
HAHAHAHA!!! get it??? angle??? degree??? never mind.
see malcolm....math CAN be as fun as trucks.
Final Scores

Shai Halud 110, Sleepers 93

Raiders 103.5, LTNC 60.5

Ligers 101, Super Beetles 55

Penguins 77, Pesticide 64
Super Bowl Matchup

Raiders vs Shai Halud

Toilet Bowl Matchup

Super Beetles vs Pesticide
It looks like two good matchups next week. Good luck to all teams involved.
I'm so glad that Chad Johnson only ended up with 3.5. It would have been very traumatic if he had lit it up.

Another year sans tailgate party. Maybe next year. I'm already planning my strategy for next year's draft.

I'm glad to see that the two highest scores move on to the Super Bowl and the two lowest move on to the toilet bowl. No on can complain about, "oh if I only played..." You know, there seems to be some type of justice in it.
Remember that there are Thursday and Saturday games this week.

Get your rosters in early.
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