Wednesday, January 31, 2007




At least they are not running with scissors.
I think they are chasing teddy bears!!!
How rude!
Very strange book...very strange.
Get them!!
They must be stopped. they have terrorized those poor teddy bears for far too long.
i see the blog changed formats overnight
They made me do it!
It was very stressful.
It's tough to try and avoid this's everywhere!!
Thank goodness for food fests! Can't wait!
stupid new format. messing me up

food fests. all right!
Commish wants to know if he can bring one burrito for the Raiders and enchiladas for the rest of us?
I say mutiny and just bring the dang enchilladas.
I have been pigging out all week since the girls have been bringing in food for our movie.
I'm dreaming of dolphins swimming in imaginary numbers searching for the 4th dimension.
I wouldn't be able to be a teacher as I could be so easily bribed with food.
what movie? they already released Pi and Cube
sadly, cube had nothing to do with ice cube
Stand and Deliver of course!
Where is your ganas young man?!?!?
was that the one about the pizza guy?

i read a fake article on the onion today about how the production, delivery and order of a pizza were all done high.
Pizza guy?
This banana red x is making me angry!
You don't want to see me angry!
This didn't happen like this when I had the old blogger.
Stupid blogger commies!
I don't want your "new blogger format"!!!!
Is lost on tonight?
Dang It!
I get to see the bananas only by allowing this site to show both secure and unsecure portions. Makes me afraid of what I might see. Happy snowy Wednesday everyone.
It ain't snowing here. kind of sunny, realy.
i also allow nonsecure items. although i ought not
I kept seeing that stupid warning and finally changed it under tools. If you go to internet options, security, custom level and then just start clicking a bunch of things randomly, that usually works.
Just kidding!
(No, really, that's exactly what I did.)
Stupid Google! They're taking over everything and everyone!
But I could never boycott! It is my lifeline!
I have been bought out! a cool $4. but i do not think this google tatoo is going to wash off like i hoped
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....$4 is ALOT of money...
I mean...I could get a gallon of gas for that!
At least...I could start saving for a gallon of gas...
I bought Kit KAts, much to the dismay of Snickers who is still pissed at me about the season. I had a stron run at the end, but they wanted it all.

death predictions.
I will die at 75 by falling into a vat of neutral shoe polish and my body will neer be recovered.
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