Tuesday, January 23, 2007


It was AMAZING!!!!

The way Jack Bauer was able to fly,
mend his bones and stop time.
It was also pretty cool
when he bitch slapped his brother.

One has to be quite talented to switch from one show to the next. It is not for the weak or foolhardy.
And everyone knows, talent is my middle name.
Or Marie. One of those two.
Holy Monday night!! My hands are on fire. And I feel the urge to save someone from a falling helicopter. Maybe with my fire hands.
he also roughed up his brother
i have given up on my normal "how many things are impossible" with 24. i mean, aside from a black president
You start worrying about what can or cannot happen and you'll get a plastic bag over your head.
My favorite scene however was when Jack told evil brother to talk or he would have to hurt him. Evil brother responded "aren't you already hurting me?" and Jack said "No. Not yet." or something along those lines. Good times, good times.
Fire explosion dude really frightens me. He is quite psycho.
I do want to know what was with the cockroach that just kind of hung out with Sylar. It was like he was hanging out with his homie.
DAMN IT!!!!!!!
How did you watch both!?!@?@?@?!?!?!?

I had to miss heros for Jack, but let me tell you, if you miss jack... well, nobody misses and lives
I kept thinking he was saying "hey! hey George! what do you want to do now George! Wanna go for a walk George? You know what I like George? Cookies. That's what I like George. Hey! Hey George!? What's your favorite color? Cause when I was in Milan and we had all kinds of colors, I was like, hey, I wonder what color George would like and I thought green but then I thought that that might be too green but maybe yellow, cause the word just kind of sounds funny but then I knew ORANGE! Am I right George? Am I right? But then Steve from Philly wanted to get something to eat and I thought Hey! I wonder if George would like to get something to eat, cause I like all kinds of things to eat and I wondered what George's favorite thing to eat was and the Ed from down in shipping told me to get my head out of the clouds which is an expression that I don't quite understand cause it really doesn't make that much sense so I asked Ed what he meant and he just hit me in the head and that really hurt but it reminded me of that time in Calgary when we were at that hockey game and I thought Hey! I wonder what George's favorite team is and then...SPLAT.
See post number 1.
You cannot be weak of foolhardy.
It is strictly for the professionals.
So leave it to the pros, kid.
Hiro stealing the fake sword and crashing the helicopter into the top of that building made for good viewing pleasure.
There may now be a glitch in the Matrix.
Validate me on how cool it was when Petrelli was saying the universe is not connected and Hiro shows up - You Flying Man!!! Hysterical!!
But really people. I'm a little peeved that Curtis got shot for 1 name. I mean, I feel we should be able to expect slightly more information from a terrorist for that.Really. 1 name?? And a whole lotta I don't knows....lame.
Hiro cracks me up. Curtis was a meer tool to get Jack to "quit" so he could then get fired up again.
I tell you, if they do anything and I mean anything to mess with Chloe, I WILL FLIP OUT!!!! As a matter of fact, I will go Jack Bauer on their you know whats!!!
here is what i think is going to happen. they need a programmer for teh bombs, so who better than the dodgey chloe boyfriend. he knows his way around. just wait
OOOOOHHHHH....are you on the writing staff? Nobody messes with Chloe. You will feel the wrath of the scowl. If my scowl was that good, I'd never have to talk.
she is going to end up having to kill him or something huge and she will be forever changed, withblood on her hands,.
look, just because we got above 20 does not give you the right to stop blogging. BLOG OR ELSE!!!
Crowded House is getting back together.
And you said this dream was over
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