Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Bob Vance of Vance Refridgeration...

will rip your arms out of their sockets
if you mess with his woman.
He dares you.

The kid is going to be Jack's.
I can just feel it.
If you notice, he even looks like Kim.
And evil father has him.
I didn't realize it was a 2hour extravaganza and I missed the first hour.
Needless to say, I was not a happy camper, cause I could have watched it without flipping back to Heroes.
Oh, the trials we face in this life.
Stupid SOs. Cause of them, I missed both shows. Oh the horror..... Thank goodness for technology.
jack stopped the bomb after they drilled a hope in morris' shoulder
I didnt even bother with heros. too much jack for me.
The drill was a bit freaky for me.
But luckily, his skin regenerated and Jack was able to melt the bomb with his mind.
And then Chloe used her super human strength to kick Rita's @$$.
It's not swearing. It's dollar signs.
then 15 minutes later chloe made morris work again.
i would have asked for a day off.
I wish Morris would have yelled "It's not like I'm Jack Bauer!" "I want to go home!"
bob vance of vance refrigeration sounds a bit like jack bauer

with the ripping yr arms out thing
ah, morris. what a character
he did last pretty long with the tourture
Just want to give a shout out "THANK YOU" to Brenz for being a savior last night and rescuing Tom from Amherst. :)
Any time.
I was just afraid that we would be asked to leave wegmans with security. we were looking prety shady
I was working through my reference section and came across "Mathematics Illustrated Dictionary - Facts, figures and people including the NEW MATH" So, if anyone needs any math definitions please let me know :)

P.S. - I haven't quite figured out what the "new math" is though.
You guys are pretty shady :)
Bob Vance of Vance Refridgeration is only testy when it comes to his Easy Rider. Otherwise, he's a mouse.
dont forget freon theives
Then he gets ugly.
Just thinking about it gives me the chills.
And giant toads!
i love eating zingers with giant toads.

and i hate to say, it happens far too frequently. like most fridays
mmmmmmmmmmmm....giant toad zinger
my head hurts
amputate it!!!

thats what i do. if it hurts, cut it off. i think thats in the bible somwhere
OK, i am the only one, aren't i?
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