Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Sorry Dog...

It's all about bein' an ed-u-ca-tor!
This James Williams can't be all that bad!

Just popping in to say hi!
from home!!!!!
i am pissed
yeah, still here. and my dwight bobble head has not come in yet.

insult to injury
man, i sure feel a whole lot more like i do now than i did before
did i already post my joke about deja vu?
normally i would feel bad about just amusing myself like this, but most of the time i think i am only amusing myself.
Who is watching the parolees today?

avoid the noid
what kind of noise annoys an oyster
OK, so there has been a lot of talk lately about what is in my pancakes that make them so damn good. I have decided to tell you.

Soylent Maple!

It's made out of trees
oh, and ganja butter
but mostly soylent maple.

and a touch of concrete
it is almost taxing to hit 20 on my own
now i know what Augustine felt like after his conversion at Hippo
About 150 members of the pro-Hindu political party Shiv Sena gathered in New Delhi, shouting "Down with Western culture!" and "Death to Valentine's Day!" as they waved saffron-coloured flags.
ben and jery have a stephen colbert flavor. Americone dream. Taste the liberty
i am still the only one here?
welcome back to work everyone!!

Came across a cool site for those science teachers among us. Pass it on!

The Science Spot
at least yr here too
I am so proud! You almost did it on your own. The getting to 20. A fine accomplishment indeed.
I didn't want to rub it in yesterday, that the snow day would make for a six day weekend for me.
So...I'm just popping in to say hi and to keep up the good work!
Only shmushe shaof hours until Office!
Sure I told you how many hours. You just couldn't hear me.
You don't really expect me to do math on my day off do you?!?!
remember to actually say that word until you perfect it.
It can almost give you a snooty caveman feel
mmmmmmmm.........soylent maple
mmmmmmmmm......people pancakes
But Marge! I'm so sweet and tasty!
thanks for the props!

stupid ssnow days
new office.
i also will not give you a countdown as i am not doing math on yr day off.
it is a bunch of hours.
dude, i think i ate way too much soylent maple. my belly is in an uproar
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