Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Tell them all hookah.

It's not like they'll know the difference.

i keep saying that!
i'm like, that is not what you think it is. it is a vase for smoking tobacco
How is it I'm not surprized you know?!?
At first it came out "H6w 5s 5t 5'0 n6t s4r*r5zed y64 2n6w+++
n40ber 36c2
stupid picture... wrecking with my day!
This is a picture I took in my back yard.
We also have talking kittens.
And for some odd reason, the white knight always talks backwards.
Which is not the same as Larry's mumbling, but is just as hard to understand.
It's like a David Lynch movie.
Kyle had just better stay away from my back yard though.
I'll sick the dancing polka dot chickens on him.
kyle is cool, man. he seems to be able to understand the backwards knight.
and the guy who spits the corn out.
oh yeah like he fears anything
Bob. He fears Bob.
Although, maybe he is Bob...
bob and the one armed man whose are had the Bob tatoo
but in the dream it said Fire Walk With ME.
so yeah, my car got towed. i am tempted to send the city a thank you card.
although i am a little worried about the homeless guy that had been living in it. i hope he has a place to go.
Why did it get towed? Was the homeless guy getting beligerent? Or maybe he wanted a new view.
i dont know. something about being an eyesore.
no, it was stuck in a snow bank, so i left it in the same spot for too long and they assumed it was abandoned. says a lot for my car.heheh
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