Thursday, February 08, 2007



I need a nap.

I'm thinking if I pile enough books on my desk...
But Lost was well worth it.
The whole bus thing...awesome!
Hope the Super Beetles' and Mo's drive in this morning weren't too crazy. I hit bad snow once on the 16, and heard that it was a snow band straight across from Angola through Holland and North Collins.
I could use the nap today too. Not because of Lost, just because the boy decided to get up at 5:00 this morning and did not want to go back to sleep. Not that I don't get up at 5:30 - but that last half hour is sometimes the most important.
howdy folks. sorry about Bullering you.
tonight on Chanel 17 is a documentary with my boss Ron about the local AIDS epidemic. It is geared towords High school kids as a learning tool. I have seen it and it is a good thing for parents to see and watch. just an FYI.
and just take a nap. noone will notice
Hey JB!
I was bullered and I didn't even know it!
new office tonight!
phlisys' wedding!
Bob Vance is AWESOME!
Who wouldn't want to be married to him.
Bob Vance does have pretty good advice too.
Bob Vance is all knowing.
I never owned a refirgerator before.
I'm Bob Vance. Vance Refrigeration
I think I will put a little nap area under my desk.
Karen got the evil eye from Phyllis when she said "who's Bob Vance?"
Never question Bob Vance.
Never question your knowledge of Bob Vance.
Just nod and smile. Nod and smile.
I went to a office quote site and had to stop reading. The laughing aloud became distracting to others.
Someone forged medical information, and that's a felony.
OK, Whoa, all right 'cause that's a pretty intense accusation. How do you know that they're fake?
Uh, Leprosy, Flesh Eating Bacteria, Hot Dog Fingers, Government Created Killer Nano Robot Infection.
I have that one thiong that pam talked about where yr teeth turn into liquid and run down yr throat
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