Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Don't make kitty mad.


one of my all time favorite pictures.
dog hunting
that was a ricochet of my skull piece.
darned kitty
The kitty was the culprit in the JFK mystery.
The other shooter.
It's just the cutest little kitty and its pretty blue star!
and its cute little riffle
i heard he had something to do with the start of WWI, also. You know, archduke ferdinand and such.
jesuit kitty
who do you think sold the kitty the gun? i am guessing walmart
Damn that Walmart!
The true axis of evil!
Not to be confused with the x and y axis.
Which my students tell me are the axes of evil.
"Not true!" I say. They are mearly misunderstood.
It's Walmart that turns kitties bad.
I hope that kitty didn't have anything to do with countless numbers of untold conspiracies.
Oh, little kitty, turn from the evil empire of Walmart!
looks a little too late for the kitty
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