Monday, March 05, 2007


Grudgingly Tolerant

Don't coddle your kids and give me my piece of cake now!

In a continuation of Fridays blog.....I plan to get out of everything today. As a matter of fact, I am planning on working my @$$ off to make absolutely certain that I don't have to do any work. (It really is exhausting).
How were the weekends???
it is funny how sometimes you need to do a lot to not do anything.
But seriously, in a fight between Murohy's Law and Ocham's Razor, who would win?
People just don't comprehend how difficult it is to procrastinate. It's a full time job. Huh? What's the Razor?? Don't make me wikipedia it.....when I get caught up there, the whole day's shot. As well as's how everything works!!! (please note that there is no entry for how mo works...that one's still a mystery...)
The Razor one would win hands down.
I mean, he has a razor for crying out loud.
Murphy just has a Law. What's he gunna do...hit you with it?
I don't think so.
Plus, Murphy's Law says that if Murphy get's into a fight, he'll lose.
Although Ocham has a stupid name.
Plus, his Razor says that if he gets into a fight, he cannot win.
so, see. Murphy's Law.
And Ocham's Razon.
My goodness people! This is too difficult on a Monday!
I figured that there would be discussion of cute kitties and cake!
well, simply, ocham would win, but would then murphy take effect?

i guess this is too much for a monday
You know I'll always jump into a cake discussion....chocolate cake....ribbon cake....alien cream cake....Wait. Now this isn't a good idea either. I'm hungry.
i like kitties. do a search for Napolean cats. i would like to breed them.
i just read that book bear v. shark again. oh man is it good. i have it if anyone wants to read it. it talks about all types of fights.
Pooh v. Jaws
Oliver Wendle v. Sherlock
Taft v. McKinly

but mathew good still had the best w/
Murphy v. Ocham
i cant figure the vioctor in that one
I would love to borrow that one.
Macy's coats are made out of dog fur!
Just thought you should know.
JCPenneys may have dog fur coats as well.
that is friggen gross
I need to get a job in Holland or Eden.
Ya think!?! Poor Lassie!
Talk about grudginly tolerant.
It's worse that the glue factories.
And chinese food.
Although Lar did spend his morning snowblowing so that I could get out of the driveway.
i saw that movie Gumo. It was about these weird kids in south Ohio. they spent most of their days killing cats and selling them to chinese food reasuraunts.

altough there was this scene where the kid was getting a bath in green water while his mom brought him dinner and there was bacon taped to the wall.
Thanks for sharing that.
Huh? (I wish you could see the wub look on my face that goes along with the huh).
I forgot about the Holland and Eden people. I need a job there too. But not as a snowplow driver.
i would be a snowplow driver.
plow spme snow, drink some coffeee. i guess that is all they do.
And plus you could always skip that street.
So this whole living in the city working in Holland thing is getting a bit confusing. No snow in the city yesterday, but no school for me. No school in the city today, but school for me.
i would say that sux, but you get days off.
looks like the millers are home today, huh?
Woo Hoo!!!! I hope you're all doing your dance!! I would love to be sitting in front of the stove right now.....eating cookies.....homemade of my pj's.
me too. i know she is making hot cocoa and coffee cake right now. lucky kids. or kukan. jenny makes killer kukan.
Thay would make a great day even better!!! I think we need a dessert party. I've got a hankerin' (and it ain't for a hunk of cheese).
If we ever get to see each other again - it should be celebrated by lots and lots of desserts!!
I bet Larry had to get up to clear the driveway for himself this morning.
i motion for a desert party.
and i mean sweets, not a dry srid sand-filled area, cause i do not know how to spell which
Strawberry Shortcake. That's how you know there two ss's
good one. both the mneumonic device and the deSSert
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