Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Happy Birthday Dennis! (I mean Lar)

And Happy Pi Day!! :-)

Old Woman!
He's thirty-seven!
That's not Old!
It's going to get confusing with two Dennis's (?)
You know what I mean.
Stop having to be right all the time.
Just eat some Pi!
I keep wandering around the school poking my head into math classrooms and I have yet to find any pie! Very disappointing.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENNIS i mean LARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we can't just call him Man
mmmmm....... Pi
Pi repeats!!!!
I would ask your math teachers where the pi is. They should be ashamed if they do not celebrate it.
I have about 20 pies in my room.
It's very difficult to keep myself from eating them all right now.
pi comma
in that movie pi, i think that kid overdoesed on pi. it killed his buddy
who were the first people to recognize pi?

was it the egyptians?
I thought it was me.
Or Betty Crocker.
She makes a mean Pi.
I will take the props on this one.
That's not even a real name.
Of course, I was the most accurate.
Some old Japenese dude recited pi to 100,000 decimal places.
By memory.
This guy is whacked.
do you think that guy tries using that to get chicks?
if so, do you think it works?
3.1415926 is less than Pi which is less than 3.1415927

think about it
I don't see why he wouldn't. Chicks are all over guys that can do that.
HAppy Birthday Lar!!!

Mo has been blocked at work from the blog.
Maggie is waiting for a date and time for the st patties day party at her house. It is looking like Sunday may work, but Tom may be working? Could everyone get back to me with the best time for them. Cait works saturday late as it is booze night. so please let me know so i can tell mom and molly. tanks
Tom works till 5:00 on Saturday and until 7:00 on Sunday. If it was going to be an after church kinda thing on Sunday, I could bring myself and the boy and just bring leftovers home to Tom.
so one vote for early sunday
Any time this weekend is okay for us.
so one vote for whenever.
ok, it is looking like an early sunday. I will call mom and see if she will be available and whanot
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