Friday, March 02, 2007


Heroes in a Half Shell!

Beware the Shredder!

He might mess up your papers.
Kind of like Robert Goulet.
But in a more sinister manner.
Cause he's evil.
Robert Goulet is just mischevious.
Mischevious little scamper.
It was very exciting to see the Penguins pop in!
How is it being a world class chef?
It was difficult not to have a new Office.
But it is FRIDAY!!!
Back to TMNT, just like ANTM I would have to look that one up.
But notice, it always comes back to the 80's.
What's not to love about the 80's?
Except maybe concert t-shirts with three quarter sleeves and side pony-tails.
And big hair.
And acid wash jeans. Something is wrong with whoever thought that one up.
I mean, really wrong.
And White Snake.
Although are they really 80's or 90's?
I really just wanted to mention them.
neon spandex. end of story
but, the turtles rule.
JB, at lunch today, someone will poison your apple martini
thanks future me. I know it is the future me, cause who else knows i drink apple martinis at lunch
Future Dwight Rocks!
I'm pretty sure I have a future Jen, but she thinks it's pretty hilarious when I drink the poisoned diet pepsi, so has yet to warn me.
She's one sick chick.
sometimes future me does things like the dishes, so when i remember that i have to do them, and they are done, i am like, thanks future me. or is that past me. i think that is past me i have to thank. and then i wonder why i dont remember something like doing the dishes.
If an Office had to be repeated I'm glad it was that one. Thank you future dwight. Future mo told me I have the day off so I will not work today. Of course the problem is I didn't get the message until I got to work.
I hate when that happens!
that always make you think "why cant future me be more prompt."

not to rip on future me
once, future me waited around the corner for me to put a pillow case on my head and beat me with a sack of doorknobs, but because he is from the future, our paths never crossed.

but moom me, he got me good. from space
Present me thinks that future me is very productive. However, past me does not think that future me has accomplished as much as present me had planned.
Leaves present me in kind of a bind.
now that is a dilly of a pickle scratcher
Just don't let the Wubb get ahold of your pickles. He'll eat them all. And then...
that crazy Wub.
eating all the future pickles.

beware the future wub
Future Wubb keeps me up at night.
Never put of to tomorrow what you can weasle out of altogether
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