Thursday, March 08, 2007


My car runs on wishful thinking and fairy dust.

Milage may vary.

This is a SCREAM for assistance to my Molly Pumpkin. Did you tape Lost and if so can I borrow it. I set up our DVR but it doesn't look like it recorded. YIKES! Especially cause I think it was Sawyer centric.
Woah is me!
Is that how you spell woah? or is is woa?
Either way, this sucks!
Woe is me, for I am ruined
Oh Lordy Lordy!!! I think Pete might have it on his DVR but you'd have to head up to the hills in Holland to see it. It was alot of Said (I know I'm spelling this wrong) but he's one of my faves so it was pretty cool.

Silly little fairy...
so, you lost Lost.

the irony is delicious
my car runs on God's grace. I have 2 palms in it from past Palm Sunday's and i swear if i took them out, it would fall apart.
So you got your car back from the city?
yeah, but my homeless guy is gone. so i got that going for me.
i guess the car will stay held together, but it wont keep it out of the pound
i found this ting in a new wave catalog. it is a microwave fireplace. you can spend the entire night in front of the fire in only 8 minutes
Are you sure he's really gone? He could be hiding under the hood.
It gets really toasty under there.
I feel lost since I lost Lost. Let me tell you. Whoa.
Silly little word.
if you have access to download songs, a good one is "Like "WHOA""

it is a fine use of Whoa
so what.
i cheated
hey, willis got traded.
thats right, i'm talkig bout willis
It is so wrong that I not only have to watch baseball while there is still snow on the ground, but now you are talkng football. ARGH!
It is a fantasy football league blog page...
Is it Friday yet????
There is no cheating when reaching 20. It is pure accomplishment.
football football football

good stuff

baseball, not so bueno
Reaching 30 is just as rewarding.
i bought a new ADHDTV. It has picture in picture in picture in picture, flashing colored lights and bells that ring every 2 minutes.

what was i saying?
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