Friday, March 30, 2007


That's about as scary as a sock puppet re-enactment of the Blair Witch Project.

Which should read--pretty scary.

Oh the delights of manipulating a large chicken.
Now I can say...Happy Friday!!!!
Only 7 more hours until 16 days off!
And I don't mean the chocolaty drink.
That would be Yoohoo.
Although that's okay too.
16 days!
for the love of

im going back to sleep
so who else watched 2 and a half hours of the office last night?
tell me again what it was like to slap michael
I was hepped up on diet coke so I was up for a while after as well.
I didn't have many good dreams either.
I may have just been excited for my last day before vacation.
A vacation of...wait for it...
16 days!!!!
I had to make 16 days #16.
fart head
DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!
so, this blog post will need to last me for 2 weeks?

mamoo will have vaca, mo cant get on.
its gonna be the JB show!!!
for the next 2 weeks, i will be in control.
i control the verticle and the diaganal.
you shall defile what i defile, eat what i eat (mostly mexican) and think what i think.

its like that twilighty show about that zone
so what are yr thoughts on bear v. shark, jb?
well, the way i see it jb, is it is a family trip to the heart of what makes america america.
an affirmation of all that is good and commercial. pure haratio alger
Hey! I'm still here dude!
It's rude to ignore me when I'm still here.
You can ignore me all you want when I'm gone.
That's acceptable.
New Office next Thursday!!!! I can't wait!
I hope this isn't a "used" sock puppet. He looks kind of dirty.
I can just see him...staring in the dripping down his face...gross.
i was just practicing.
sorry about that.
you know, like a sneek preview of the JB Show.
For goodness sake man! Get a tissue!
well jb, it seems we have a guest. Welcome Suber Beetles!
it seems yr nose is running. well, we can fix that, after this commercial break
Be young Have fun Drink Pepsi!!!
and we are back
It will give me some time to store up blog ideas.
I feel like Andy Rooney with my lists of ideas and types of ideas stacked all over the place.
On a sheet of paper.
But they are stacked on top of eachother.
What the???
You what I hate?

Flowers. With their know it all attitude
I am no longer in control of myself. I have to obey my eyebrows.
they tell me what to do.
The eyebrows are scary.
Scarier than the Blair Witch puppet show.
I get kind of creaped out by them. i keep expecting them to crawl away.
Morning JB!! - I am not on vacation until next week :( But I do only have a four day week :)
ok, at least i am not alone.
i have a half day on friday and then monday off.,

that is all
Yo what up?

Did you catch a trout yesterday?
I do believe that the shark would win.
no trout, but the shark, eh?

thats interesting.
well, jb, what did you think of the presidents bold move last night on "24"?
funny you should ask, jb. I thought his assertion of his power was well timed and perfect for a TV drama.
the twist of launching a missle was just icing on the cake.

On April 24 (tuesday) our agency is doing a tyhing where if you go to any of the restaurants on the above list, we get money.
I don't think I should have to exposed on this blog to anything other than humor, especially advertisements wanting me to spend money :)
But hey, maybe we will check it out anyway. Any child friendly restaurants? Or offers for babysitters?
Don't know much or care much about 24, but did you see the "little person" dressed up like a knight? hilarious!! She kept tipping over :) :)
didnt see the midget falling, but i wish i had. i will have to imagine it.

sahara grill is pretty casual. it is mediteranian though.
i like it. that is where i am going i think
did anybody hear about that chocolate JEsus statue?
If i had that, i would trade it for 30 pieces of gold foil chocolate.
that caity beast- always thinking
I think I may feel the need to bite his ears off first(kinda like you do with the rabbit)

that would be the naatural tendancy.
i wonder if he would be hollow
that is a very theological question and my brain hurts just thinking about it:

"Is Jesus hollow?"
that may be a new davinci code thing
Are you heading to your mom's for Easter Sunday? Do you know if she is expecting everyone?
i spoke w her yesterday.
i guess the sons of thunder are serving at 8.30, so some are goin ghten, bu ti and kris are going to 11 with mom. she is then having brunch and kuka afterwards. i think cait is comming out in the morning, she is not sure abou the jer bear.
but i am going out in the morning, so there may be no evil easter bunny.
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