Monday, March 26, 2007


We like da moon...

but not as much as a spoon.

It is a Monday, but I do have to shout out that I only have 5 days til vacation!
Go education!
These creatures haunt my every dream!
Not fun!
Alright...I's a little fun.
stupid vacation.

i get bubkis.

i think i am going to go to college for lottery winning. and then never work again
OOOOOOOOOhHHHHHHH! Lottery winning college!!! Why didn't I think of that?!?!?
seems so obvious now.
unless its that weird bad lottery, like that story called the lottery.

where you die
i would join the army if i wanted that
looks like 24 is going to rock tonight.
although, i do not think i am to use the blog to theorize oabout how a show will be. only to say how sweet/crappy it was.
Theories are good!
Like, I have a theory that living in that Lottery Town would be a total adrenaline rush.
Not being sure if it was going to be your name picked and then finding out it was that jerk that cut you in line at the supermarket.
Figuratively and Literally
or stacking the lottery so that is was that guy or the other guy that keeps stealing yr paper.

or that zit faced punk that keeps blaring his barry manalow albums at all hours of the day
And jellybeans tend to do that.
dont get me started on jellybeans with their barry manalow!

mmmm...berry marshmellows
music and dancin were always the fashion...
bananas and cherries compliment ferries...
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