Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Can everybody please check the bottom of their shoes.

I'm pretty sure my brain is lodged in the crevices of one of them.

WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!???????!!!!!!
oh, thats brain?

i smelled otherwise
i want to live on an abstract plain.
and sit on my abstract roof

and look at my abstract dog

and up will be down
the only problem is my bathroom is in another dimension
and those Escher staircases.

try going upstairs and it takes half a day
I just saw a door mat that said close the door before the chickens come in.

that reminded me of something, but i dont remember what.
still dosent compare to living on an abstract plain
you know, it rains up and hamburgers eat people
Sometimes I like to hang out on the y-axis.
Usually at (0,3)
I don't like to get too high.
Weird kicked out square.
NOOOO!!!! Is that your littlist one??????? I could just eat him up!!!!! (the no was an incredulous how cute is that sort of no...not a bad no way man no).
You're not crazy....just a mom. Oh wait. Is that the same thing????
No, this was just a picture I found online. He does look a little like this though.
Yes, I do think that is the same thing.
But are you having fun yet??? Is J bored with it already. That'd really be the kicker. Cept that he could still just follow the big dog around.
He still sleeps alot, just like a baby. Even Jack is warming up to him a bit. ;-)
Awwwwww!!! Makes my heart melt just thinking about it.
PS - brain smells gross.
who got a dog?
You shall be missed, Kurt.
For some reason, Tank has a way of getting whatever he wants...
He's so cute and fuzzy!
Tank that is.
I knew Juliet was bad, but now it makes me think she might be good.
Do what we say or Audrey will die.
Oh, alright.
samoa ice cream!!

dryers makes it i guess
jack bauer can stop time, ive heard.
Edy's makes the Samoa icecream. Believe me. I know. I probably should own stock in it.
It's good for a Samoa fix when those dirty dog girl scouts are selectivly selling their precious cookies.
Seasonal my @$$!
its pure supply and demand. they dont supply so you demand them and end up paying $30 a pack in a dark alley on niagara.

the samoa black market is the worst.
it was easier to get that spleen i needed.
Call the attorney if that is stanley's car
no more tests. anymore and i wont want to jump
The Office is just awesome.
Creed and the potato! Hilarity!
If that's Stanley's car, call J.P.Morgan law office and see if he deals with hate crimes.
It was a watermelon after all.
What is the most dangerous thing faced in the workplace?
I really wanted to see someone in the bouncy castle.
i loe how toby was the one who bet on the Creed one
If john Cougar MElloncamp ever wins an Oscar, i will be one rich dude.
if someone give you 1000 to 1 odds, you take it.
Oh hysterics. Or is it hysteria. I'm not sure anymore.
ohhhhhh millsons shun-on
shun-off so when i get the boys a manly dog for christmas 8 years ago you "send it packing"(shun-it) but then you decide to slap me and mo in the face on by getting a wiener dog SHUN-ON
Shun-off and by me and mo i mean me shun-on
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