Thursday, April 19, 2007


Chad Vader

Darth's younger brother and Day Shift Manager

Oh, how difficult it must be to follow in Darth's footsteps.
i wonder how their mom feels about that
but i would hate to work under him on the day shift
Is he the one that works at the Arby's on Camp?

Or is that Dwayne Vader
That could be Dwayne.
I hear he's a tool.
yr telling me.,

i needed more horsey sauce and you thought i asked the guy for a kidney

i was totally asking the other guy for a kidney
Was this for your people chili? Is that the kind of "kidney" beans you use???
but in a good way
Yo, and dont get me started on Todd Vader. what a chump.

Just cause i ran over his cat the guy thinks i'm the devil.

i said i was sorry
and yes, those are my kidney beans.
Well it was a catastrophe.
pun intended
I don't understand when people say "no pun intended".
Like we don't have enough words in our English language that you couldn't think of something that wouldn't be a pun.
Ask anyone trying to learn our language and they'll tell you.
Like me.
Hey superbeetles, do we have alot of words in the english languang.
Obviously you do not know the language.
No pun intended.
That's why the sentence did not have any puns.
That was quite bizarre. I feel bad for the creepy uncle. Too bad for Tom.
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