Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I had to do this at the library...

so sorry, porn today.

But you can talk dirty.
NO you perv!
I meant like sludge, mud, goobers.
Get your head out of your sock.
NO offense mr. puppet
you still there?
we were creeping up on 100!
Hey JB - lets take it back and day and make it to 100 - only 28 more to go.
i would, or i we could do it with this one.
but everytime i open the page, i have to approve the images.
it would take all day
That's o.k. - I had to leave work early today anyway so I wasn't any help. MJ got sick at daycare and we had to go home. Sorry that our efforts were thwarted, maybe next time :) See you on Sunday !!
Fairy Tales.
Silly little fairy....
Still love that one.
Oh Michael, you crazy buffoon. I wonder what buffoon actually means. I should find out before I start using it. Off to wikipedia.
Yahoo!! I couldn't have gotten a better answer if jb wrote it himself. It even references Homer Simpson....someone whose inappropriately vulgar, bumbling or ridiculous behavior is a source of general amusement. Apparently, Robin Williams thought it referenced 'buffamotus,' he who carries the pickle."
If you're looking for a new nickname for the wub...or the one who wins the pickle present.
Do you think it's Sawyers baby??????? Holy COW!!!! Oh Hugo you're aawesome!!! You conned me into being nice. Oh what fun!
Comedic characters such as Homer Simpson and the "musicians" of the "mockumentary" Spinal Tap are good examples of modern buffoons.
C'mon...that rocks.
UGGGG...I got to 20 before I could even comment on getting near 20. The horror.
Just gettin' a quick fix here people.
jb remind me closer to the 24th...whenever I can eat for a cause is just icing on the cake of life.
Oh my GAWD that was awesome.....don't let J see Dwight using the pepper spray. There'll be no stopping him.
the pepeer spray was amazing!~!!
and then he got Andy.
Oh, precious phone line!
I can finally give you your phone back Molly Pumpkin. Thanks so much!
I mean sweet for the pepper spray and another sweet for the phone line!!
Just feign ignorance when they come to your door asking you to explain...well...let's just say...feign ignorance.
The pepper spray was AWESOME!
It's important for me to say that I said wikipedia before Michael said how awesome it's still making me giggle out loud.
I can't wait to see Dwight and Andy in action.
I think I will do ignorance just fine....just fine...
It is the most reliable source out there.
That Lost episode was kick butt as well. I still do not trust Juliet. I don't care if she was left behind. She still gives me the creeps.
Toby is brilliant...genius.
Ladies Fire Auxilary is having a Meat Raffle and I expect everyone to be there! To get your...meat.
I think it's April 21st. Two Saturdays from tomorrow. At 7:30pm. Be there or be a rhombus!
Seriously....Sawyer's baby????? There's something wrong with that Juliet. She'd do anything for that crazy Ben. Keeps playing in my head...Ben likes the mind games. She said it, not me.
A rhombus is not that cool. It's only a kicked out square.
Will Sawyer ever see his kid??? That was freaky. Doesn't he have another kid? I thought he left the money in a bank for his kid before. Or was that someone else?
What a fantastic idea for an orrange family insurgance...jb - party hats are NOT optional.
Poor Toby. Michael is a genius.
We would so need party hats. It is a meat party.
I can't believe he's actually working right now.
Oh crap....I forgot about that...where are my dang cliff notes??
Either that or taking a nap.
I did see the Illusionist finally. Good flick.
When is jb gonna get that job with more days off??? Just doesn't seem fair. Government work people, government work.
I do like that Edward Norton fellow.
Or educator. Can't go wrong there.
Are you actually off today?
I don't think I remember the movie, just the end. And I'm a sap for a suprise twist (I'm also a very good candidate for a good twist....never see 'em coming).
I am to pay my bills, cept it appears that paying bills IS optional. Unlike the party hats.
I kind of saw that one coming because of her wanting him to "disappear" them in the beginning. It was neat though. The inspector was so funny how he just wanted to know how everything worked.
I think jb might be taking a nap...or hoovering down a butter lamb. No work before a holiday. Even if someone is so bold as to make you show up.
where are we going?
I mean really, who has ever accomplished anything the day before Arbor Day?? Not even worth mentioning.
to hit you on the head with a hammer
I'm gonna hit you over the head with a hammer. Classic.
See what I mean???? You saw it coming but it never even dawned on shocker.
Like Chaney shotting that guy in the face....very obvious, but didn't see it coming.
That Cheney. He's a stand-up guy.
groundbreaking when it inevitably goes to trial...loved that. Toby always makes me laugh out loud.
Now if I were to guess who would shoot someone in the face, it would be the bumbling idiot GW.
He is just so resigned to his plight.
It's just fun to be 20.
i leave for 30 minutes and come back to this
at least yr still here
please be sure that I didn't say buffoon to Wubb's Hi. Buffoon was for GW. Of course. Buffoon.
is tank sleeping?

i just woke up from my nap
I'm not that bumbling.
dont you dare use tactic 8 on me
Huh? 30 minute break?? Was that for recoveing from the butter lamb??
Phew! He was a little upset.
i thought you just said 15?
Excellent idea tank...cept are you just mocking jb"s work style??
somebody correct my grammar...C'mon, it'll be fun.
i plan on sweating butter by tomorrow
Hoovering a butter lamb is never good for your constitution.
That's grammor. Or grammer if yourre talkin bout the persin.
I'm doin' a little dance....jb, sb, and mo all has a spot at 10:06. Hoot!! And I'm totally confused. No comments, please.
hit in the head with a hammer

I'm really looking forward to Sunday so I can hoover candy.
no on e controls my commenting
cause that will be different from every other day.
in an effort to not do something last minute, i am starting on wubb's pinata this weekend. cause i will need the time.
a duder i work with found chocolate covered p[eeps.
i now have a peep mission
Candy?? Who's got room for candy after cuca?? (I know, the absurdity of that made me laught too). No room for candy.....hah.
The hammer comment has to be one of my all time favorites.
That and the "guys, please, there are other people back here."
Chocolate covered Peeps! Oh the glory of it!
Me too. Didn't even phase him. I wish I knew exactly what Michael said. Toby is the worst human being ever.
sb - awesome - you were 100. and you use the word chocolate. All is right with the world!!
good job you worst human beings ever
Hi people. I like peeps.
you make a very compelling argument
who doesnt like peeps?
he got them from a place nomed Cohens's which means they are passover peeps.
i have to go back to faking work for a little
Of couse you like peeps. Sugar coated sugar with sugar. What's not to like??
It is not officially clear to me why I have been web sensed from this site...Whoever is controlling the universe was thinking that day.
And I am off to surf the web mindlessly.
I meant to say it is NOW clear to me...
It is an outrage, I say, an outrage!
Guess I will have to pay those bills....dang it.
It just keeps sucking me back in.
That number might change and I might miss someone's comment.
I hear ya sister. Sister as in goos buddy and sister as in we have the same mother.
I will keep my mouth shut. Real tight.
Is that like 20?
just fyi...the tank is now up.
Don't be too jealous.
WoW!! He'll probably be a foot taller when we see him....I'm off to take a nap.
Since you said don't be too jealous, I will only be a little jealous.
i can still take tank.
Get 'em while you still can. But keep an eye out for the pepper spray....and the hammer. Or get 'em before noon. You might have a chance.
stupid trowing stars
Now it's just for kicks.
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