Wednesday, May 09, 2007


56% of people polled disapprove.

That means EVERYONE disapproves.

Okay, maybe not everyone.
A little less than everyone disapproves.
Alright, maybe not a little less than everyone.
A little more than half disapprove.
Yes, a little more than half.
I think the 39% is a fallacy.
I'm pretty sure 100% think he's insane.
That's everyone.
JB, I can't check the onion anymore, cause I've been blocked from any anonymizer.
It sucks!
No more searching anonymously for me.
So, if you know any good ones that anonymize the anonomizer...
i will check the anonomizer on my end
that last article was like 3 pages of this lady tlaking about her caffine addiction
it started with a coffee here a piece of chocolate here and next thing she knew, she was pounding mountian dews
but she wanted to rraise awarness
Who you calling a caffine addict???
twitch, twitch, take a sip of pop...
I'm serious. I did just take a sip.
You can't take away my beverage!
im not saying yr an addict, i just wanted to let you know that there is help when you feel you need it.
but i too am a caffine junkie
5, 6 cups of coffee a day often suplemented with chocolate or maybe a high octane tea or red bull
but i think th ecoffee is just a vehicle for the 5 tablespoons of sugar i use
the caffine is just a reward for my sugar use
I usually get my sugar from chocolate. That has an added benefit of more caffine!
mmmmmmmmmmmm....caffine laden chocolate
apparently it's caffeine.
Who knew!?!
i am tempted to say that i had heard that, but i hear a lot of things
but thats fine. i get my fiber from twinkies
the worlds perfect food
I just figured out how to put nibbles on my calculator.
All is well in the universe.
ok, you have peaked my interest

what does that mean?
do you mean like a graphing calculator?
the nipple function?
It's a calculator game that peaks my obsessive compulsive behavior.
Thanks for the x-rated post.
Now I'll be banned from blogging and possibly flagged.
oh, like that is a bad word
dont get all puritan on me
for those of you with truly nothing else to do

Jackson Pollock
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