Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Albino pigmy monkey twins!

Nuff said.

Spike would eat these.
Actually, the other day we caught him eating a frog.
He said it tasted like chicken.
Who could argue with that?
GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!
Get ready for the beginning of our miracle return to greatness!
We WILL go all the way!
Positive thinking folks. That's all I ask.
And chocolate. I also ask for chocolate.

I cant wait for the greatest comback ever. 8 games straight
i have been caling peope boiled frogs recently. i dont think they like it.
from that experiment where you slowly raise the temp and they die
wait wait.
how did he catch a frog. he doesnt seem the hunting type

although larry said that they are bread for hunting rats/.
mmmmmmmmmmmm.....boiled frog
It all began with the ants. He has a knack for hunting ants.
As soon as he got a taste for was all over.
He has been looking very suspicious when around the rabbits.
Spike that is. Not Tank.
yeah, i dont think the rabbits have much to worry about
also, if you need any sweet pants smuggled, i am taking up a side job of smuggling pants. vintage pants, new pants, rare pants whatever you need.
acid wash pants? Or is that asking too much?
i got those.
it just may take me a while.
gotta set my time machine to 85
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
Feliz cumpleanos madre!
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