Thursday, May 10, 2007


The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall.

John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache.

I told him to shave.
He just won't listen.
New Office tonight! I can't wait!
i am stoked!
i am kind of pissed that the sabres did not take that into consideration when scheduling
What were they thinking!!!

that is intentionally mis-spelled

everything else is not
i am going to have to tape the office
it may be cool though, cause i can watch it a few times
I concur.
That means agree.
I think.
Therefore I am.
sort of
Who really knows.
I couldn't place him until someone else mentioned it...Ben's dad was Uncle Rico!!!!
How much you wanna bet I can throw a ball over that smoke monster...
If coach woulda put me in in the Dharma Intiative, it wouldn't have failed...
Confused all day - but at least I was number 20!
bens dad?
how come the web address for that photo is muaddib?

where is that pic from?
How could you not know where the picture is from!!!!
Red Dawn
Specifically, it is from a part in the movie where there is a montage of scenes of the rebels blowing up armored vehicles and shooting the occuping forces. In the midst of this montage, a group of people is lined up to be shot by the occuping forces and the rebel kids shoot the firing squad instead. It is at that point that the rebel in the picture stands and brandishes his rifle.
What, you don't believe me??
301 useless facts
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