Thursday, May 24, 2007


Domo-kun Angry!

Burnt meat again!

Stupid barbeque!
Happy Thursday!!!
I won't tell you why though.
It might wreck your day.
I wouldn't want to do that.
It's so beautiful outside today!
And Domo-kun might get mad.
I don't want that to happen.
You won't like Domo-kun when he's angry.
When a teacher says Happy Thursday!! it can only mean one thing -- you don't have school tomorrow. It put a tiny black cloud on my day, but did not ruin it.
domo-kun looks pist
but i really like his chef hat
you can tell he takes BBQ seriously ?


digital domo-kun
Domo-kun may need anger management like Andy.
but at least thats management!
i sometimes feel like domo-kun

i burned my toast!!!
And pickles are salty cucumbers.
I'm sure Domo-kun would have some techniques for you.
Maybe like counting to 10 in Japanese...
he doesnt look like he is well versed in the art of "keeping cool"
more of a "smash yr face" kind of guy
What was the Domo-kun website? I saw students cheating on a test, but no Domo-kun.
I'm not sure I want to know what that white/yellow food product was...
Try this:

Domo-kun (どーもくん) is the mascot of Japan's NHK television station, appearing in several short stop-motion sketches. He acquired his name during an episode of his show in which a TV announcer said, "Domo Konnichiwa" (roughly translated to English as "very much hello"). Domo-kun is known to fart repeatedly when in a bad mood.
Oh the hilarity of the antics of Domo-kun.
thanks for redoing the link

why is he always yelling at rabbits?
and i like viking domo
He does seem to get more angry around bunnies.
Please do not de-mystify Domo-kun by explaining him.

the SB's are off today!!!
Mamoo, if you read this, would i be able to hitch a ride with you guys on saturday?
We may be heading out early to do some work at your Mom's house - but if that still works for you, you are more than welcome.
that should be cool.

do yo uknow at about what time?
about 6:00 am - would that be too early. Also - if MJ pukes, could you take care of that?
Actually - I don't know what time -but I will let you know
call me later or tomorow or something.
and "Not It" on spew patrol
What no post dedicated to the 30th anniversity of the release of Star Wars????
Happy Anniversery Star Wars
When Star Wars was released, it was only released in 32 theaters. By contrast Spiderman 3 was released in 4,134 theaters.
happy birthday starwars!!!
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