Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Proof that Bjork is really messed up.

And perhaps...evil.

Nothing worse than a secret Barney alliance.
Except maybe a secret Bjork alliance.
Or an alliance to cheese.
Like the really stinky kind.
You have uncovered one of the reat conspiracies of our time!!!
this is huge!
If you complain once more, I will cut you! (acctual lyric)
Oh, yes. Bjork is not very forgiving in her life lesson lyrics.
Notice the alliteration.
I hope she doesn't see it. It's enough to send her off on a duck killing rampage.
I can't tell you how many spellings of "lyrics" I had to go through.
I had a tough time with that one.
when in doubt, I always use jellybean.
like when yr lipsinking, always say marshmallow.
webster's says "jellybean - 1) a sweet tasty treat found around easter 2) the words to a song 3) any device used for tourture
so i guess it can be used in the place and stead of lyric
Rock on Webster!
Who knew that little dude could come up with so many definitions.
Arnold HATES Webster.
have you seen the gary coleman commercial for fast cash loans?
oh man, is he short
an FYI - i am going on vacation for 11 days. i am not sure when i will be able to blog. although i am getting my high speed internet connection today.
11 days!Isn't that called off on good behavior?
What the heck will you be doing for 11 days?
Does that mean you are going to miss Jack's graduation?
He will be pissed!
I fear the blog will collapse upon itself like a dying star.
i am goin to the thousand islands for an audit to make sure they are all there.
then i have a greek orthodox wedding in ohio
and yeah, jack gets punches on me when i return
but like i said, hopefully i will get the intro-web at home so i can blog in the interim
I think there might be more than 1000 islands.
Those islands are tricky and sneak all their friends in when no one is looking.
that is what i am thinking.
lots of illigal islands
ok, guys.
i love you all and will be back as soon as possible.
sorry jack about missing yr graduation. Hope it is fun!!

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