Thursday, June 14, 2007


Window Puppet Shows are Illegal in New York City

Do you know what they do to puppets in prison???!!???

This may have to be my summer beginning blog.
You know how much I like puppets.
Especially illegal puppets.
Something about sticking it to the man.
Well, I'll see you. I'm heading to NYC to put on a puppet show.
In a window.
That'll show them.
Try to tell me what to do with my puppets.
Does anyone know what they do do to puppets in prison?
Just curious.
Welcome back JB!
It's been lonely without you.
For the puppets that is.
I really haven't had to work much.
And you know what they say about no work no play blah blah...
Yeah...neither do I.
"They" are always saying stuff I just don't get.
Crazy they freaks.
No offense intended.
none comprehended
well, it looks like the puppets are getting the best of yr brain
did i miss much? how was jacks grad?
new creeds thoughts!!
Screw parasailing, man. Make the handicapped sail like the rest of us.

I’m really bad at remembering birthdays. I think mine’s in June, but who knows?
put yr belly on it, son!
and the jelly turban esqua!
don't but the turkey in the free box
will mike vick be playing next season?
or will he be doing time for dog fighting.
I turn all types of things into pies
perhaps we can get something set up with dogs and roosters and Michael Vick.
Just leave out the hamsters.
That's just sick.
Although if you said that, Tank would think it was cool.
have fun on your adventure!!!
the great wild wild west
with the wild bioys
speaking of..

they are making a "Into the WIld" movie. with sean penn
Just dropping in to say hi from Utah!

hope yr having fun!!
Holy Crap!
Transformers was the best!!!
all i can say is amazing!!
Autobots, roll out!
just checking in with the blog.
wondering why my car wont transform
kind of pissed about that
Just it hot enough for you out West? I keep reading about record temps out West and hoping that you guys are dealing well. Just remember to drink lots of H2O. Hope all is well on the journey.
fandango asked me what my favortie pupett was. all i could say was that the meppets reach me a much deeper level than most
let me know when yall are home again, jiggity jig.
you wont believe me until it is too late, super beetles, but Ethan Haas was RIGHT!!
ignore what they say, it is not "fate" but "faith"
we are talking NWO stuff here
look between the girls heads.
I'm really not sure what that is all about, but I'm sure that it will get you on a government watch list
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