Sunday, August 05, 2007


Transformers Rock!

More than meets the eye.

As a matter of fact, they may be robots.
In disguise.
Silly taco bell dog.
The parents are irritating.
I didn't see any of you at the tractor pull.
I hope it was because you were at the corn festival and we just missed eachother.
Cait, if you see this, the Wubb wants to be on your fantasy football team this year.
Actually, he said pretty finitely "I'm going to be on Caity's team this year."
So I think it's pretty much decided.
The Wubb has spoken.
Look at that...six minutes and ten posts. There should be more than 30 after a two week run.
Thirty in two weeks is mighty lame.
It's like you're not even trying.
For crying out loud! You're at work! You should have plenty of disposable time.
I mean, on your lunch break of course.
Not, like, during real work hours.
That would just be irresponsible.
I'm wondering if I insult my car, will it turn into a porche?
That would be cool.
It's a myth that alligators spend their days hunting for food.
If it finds and eats a deer, it's set for the year.
Where as if I ate a deer, I'd be wondering were the french fries were.
had the day off
had to take time off to think up a good name for my team this year
maybe the Dogfighters?
the drive-bys?
on yahoo, you can vote for yr fav actor/actris and all that from the summer movies. Optimus Prime is the leading Male actor.

Cracks me up. TOby McGuire is 2.
Maybe i will be the transformers this year
Or the Autobots.
does the autobot logo look like a bear to anyone else?
and the decepticons kind of like a cat?
Me Grimlock
Although I'm torn.
How could I even possibly change my name when everyone knows the Super Beetles ROCK!!!!
My favorite is when Grimlock became intelligent.
Hence, I, Grimlock.
Well, Grimlock, you make a good point. Can you mess with the classic SB name?
You are one of the oriignally named teams. What with the sleepers who we all know are going to take JP round one and destroy this year/.
you do have a chance to, like madona, reinvent yrself!
make a comeback as something else super.
but personally, i think the SB's are too classic to change.
Oh how delightful!!! That movie was awesome!! Who knew? I mean, other than the 81 million people who went and saw it on opening day.
jb saw it opening day and jb knew
jb is talking like this this week.
mo thinks ok. mo on vacation.
Gotta tell ya - jb has a much better ring to it. Ya just got lucky kid.
JB is sweet.

although, jb is upset that jb is not on vacation
jb is pondering the ill health effects of attempting to drink 100 cups of coffeee this week.
jb has to go to the bathroom
100 cups?? Rookie.
jb had something funny to say this morning, but jb totally forgot.
please put in my eyes so that i may furrow my brow
jb just needs a vacation. Although I forgot too and I am on vacation.
It seems like I'm always on vacation
Actually a vacation for me is more stressful and eventful than being at "work". After a week at Silver Bay, I'm back to the old clock watching at MC.
I guess that I will need to contact people directly, but who is in for the OFFL this year?
I'm going with the same rules as last year. (including the crazy supplemental drafts)
suplemental what?

and what is the policy on performance enhancing drugs.
like dexitrim and advil
and chaw.
chaw is still legal, right?
I can not condone the use of performance enhancing drugs (or for that matter performance deenhancing drugs) duruing the draft or at any other time during the OFFL season. I also am not able to encourage such behavior either. But really, do we want to be like all of these other leagues with their whining and crying about who is taking what??? I believe that it is time for the sissies (sissys? really what is the plural of sissy?) to get out of the way and for the all drug olympics to get there rightful due.
Hey I just need my steroids to recover faster. Gets me back to my old self. Really, no other purpose. Did I say steroids...I meant coffee.
well, i have been training for the draft in high altitudes and blood doping.

i think i am ready
Oh, I'm so getting a transfusion on the morning of the draft. A little EPO to go along with that and my blood will be carrying so much Oxygen to my brain, I'll be thinking lightyears ahead of all of you. (and I'll still take JP before the draft is over)
How is Sunday September 2 at 12:30 for the draft?? Will the Milson's like to host again? If not, we can have the draft at Sterling Avenue.
i am offering my new apartment for the draft if that is cool. new place and all.
pizza or somehting
although, i do have cats.
and to think that i ate all that play-dough for nothing.
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