Tuesday, September 25, 2007


And Phil said to Bob...

The duck was where????

It wasn't pretty.
And it wasn't a good place.
And Phil doesn't really like to talk to Bob.
Hey - if FFS can still get in on ....last week's....draft, I am home with 3 hours to kill and I can go through the players.....
I'm a little bummed out. I can finally join in and there's no chatter??? JB on IR following a DDR mishap??
BTW - do the Rockets know that have #1 & #1 for running backs??? If not, I'd like to propose a trade.....
ok - if it still counts - Kevin Curtis WR PHI - (unless of course he broke his leg or someone else has him.....but I did double check). Oh the pressure.
Seriously.....where is everyone??? If people are actually working I will be very upset.
I meant 1 & 3 for the Rockets....always lose the impact with my typos.
morning Molly Pumpkin! Working?? Ha! Just forgot to check the blog this morning. As for the Commish - he is probably on the way home from walking the boy to school. He will be home soon and probably updating scores. I hope I hope!
I believe that the Sterling crew could combine their scores this week and still not beat anyone else! Quite a pathetic showing :(
How very exciting to see the pumpkin around!!!
I do want to know however how JB took two days off this week...
FFS takes Kevin Curtis of Philadelphia (but just remember, if they wear those uniforms again, you don't get his points)
OK Super Beetles, your pick

Then if you could set up the waiver board, that would be great
It looks like I may have lost another running back last night
The scores are in

The Super Beetles keep rolling with a victory over the FFS by the score of 124 to 113.5 (I could handle another desert dinner)

The Bad Newz Kennelz get their first win of the season by defeating the Black Sharks by a score of 97.5 to 67
(The Black Sharks of Doom actually lost points during the Monday night game. His QB threw four picks and ended with a minus 3. The SLeepers will trade you M Bulger for Favre)

The Rockets blasted the Sleepers by a score of 95.5 to 56 (It was a rough week for the Sleepers. They need a turnaround quickly if they want to stay in contention. And it looks like McNabb backed up his talk with some serious play, if only he could show that every week. Maybe it was the unis, I've heard the McNabb rumors)

The Freaks crushed Chaching by a score of 121 to 77.5 (that Freaks team is looking very dangerous. Apparently, when Miami plays Ronnie Brown he is very productive. The Freaks better hope the coach is not dumb and keeps playing Ronnie)

The Raiders stormed back from defeat and handed a whooping to the Decepticons :( by the score of 100.5 to 58.5 (How does Steve Smith go from a career day to 1 reception? Oh the trials of Fantasy Football)
I just caught on to why Curtis had 3 TD's...I guess I'm hoping the fluke continues. At this point, anything will be better than Lee Evans (trying to reverse jinx him - hope it works).
Twenty!! 20!! Veinte!! Zwanzig!! Vignt!! 20!!
again, not sure if it is clever or just a little goofy
So FFS Carson Palmer for L Coles?
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