Thursday, September 13, 2007


I keep hearing mosquitoes whining.

It may be the cell phones.

Crazy nuts.
Come on people!!!
Work with me here!
18 posts on Monday, 19 yesterday!?!?!
It's an outrage!
When do waiver drafts start? Is it this week or next?
Did I win or what????
It's exciting to think our JB is walking! I mean, wasn't it just yesterday he was crawling around in short pants?
Really, wasn't it just yesterday?
thanks for the donation jen. i appreciate it.
problem is, now i am going to want money anytime i walk
boss will ask me to go to the post office and im gonna be like, 30 dollars, son
if not, but yr belly on it, son
which by the way is the nonsensical motto of $$$

but yr belly on it, son
hey jen, how many packs of cream cheese do you use in yr taco dip?
No problem Bud! I was going to write "stupid Gary" but I didn't want Gary to take his donation back if he saw the insult. Stupid Gary.
But kind and generous Gary.
It depends on what pan I make it in. If I use a pie dish, and jam everything in, I usually use only one. For your party, one looked paltry, so I said "what the hey!" and added one more.
And ate a stick of butter cause it was there.
From yesterday...Proxy...around threeish.
If you click on the picture and view large size, it's really quite gross.
Have you seen this phenom? There is really a cell phone ring tone that kids can hear but most adults can't. It's the whine of a mosquito but it's frequency pitch is too high for elder ears to hear.
I tried yesterday and came away with a headache. (Apparently you aren't supposed to listen to it often or at a loud volume because of its damaging pitch even if you can't hear it.)
As a dean on the lookout for miscreant cell phone usage...I'm screwed.
Tank could hear it, but not so much the Wubb.
yeah, that one is tough
you get the headache as it vibrates yr eardrum too quickly. if it was too low to hear, you would get a stomache ache. the army has machines that use those. high pitched to stun a crowd and the sub sonic frequencies incite riots. they make you angry and nausious.
BTW, when you have a ringing in yr ears, that is the last time you will ever hear that pitch. it is the part of yr ear that hears that pitch dying.
and thatnks for the cream cheese info
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Dying pitch!!!?? That's so sad!
yeah, so, in theory, if that happens enough, you will go deaf. and not "def" which means sweet, and by sweet, i mean radical. and by radical i mean of or relating to the root.
they are normally the higher pitched sounds first. so you can probably thank that dead concert for you not being able to hear that phone ring.
dolla dolla billz, ya'll
Stupid hippy show.
Taking all my pitch tones.
I really liked that one I heard yesterday! I didn't realize that it was the last time I'd hear it!!!
I just thought someone was talking about me.
I figured it was that group of people pointing and laughing.
well, the voices are real. you need to stab them with a q-tip to shut them up.
or try shaving yr eyebrows
I'm told I don't have any eyebrows, so I'll have to do the Q-tip thing.
stupid brain. making me think they are not out to get me. I know they are!!!!

i can see you standing ther!!!

about time i called on Ming tram for some fardcore face kicking.
I've had ringing in my ears since I saw Social Distortion at the RiverRock Cafe.

Standing in front of the stacks did not help matters much.

KMFDM finished the job off.

I'm sure that there are many tones that I am unable to hear. Although, I do have that constant ringing to keep me company.

It would probably drive my insane in an isolation chamber or the desert.
just be thankful yr not pete townsend. his drummer set off dynomight next to him. i guess he has 20% in only one ear.
Really, there are a lot of reasons that I'm glad that I'm not Pete Townsend. Starting with the whole loyalty to a Queen thing and it does seem to get worse from there.
So I finally had some time in front of a computer and a lull in the work so I could finalize the scoring for week 1. (It appears that the Super Beetles are very anxious to have their win confirmed. ((btw, I tried to call, but the Phone is always busy??)))

So here goes....

The Fantasy Football Stars began the year by giving a good old fasion whooping to the Raiders. the final score was 125 to 97.5.
(seems that the Minnisota defense came to play in week one laying down 35 points for the FFS. and Tom Brady was able to match Peyton Manning stride for stride, both finishing with 29. That New England Offense looks scary this year)

The Emoticons were able to easily handle the Bad Newz Kennelz by a score of 90 to 58.5 (apparently, the whole court battle has taken its toll on BNK. That and only having one player, Andre Johnson, scoring in the double digits. BNK may want to start Big Ben against a depleted Buffalo Defense in Week 2.)

Yes, the Super Beetles started the year out on a positive note, defeating the Sleepers by a score of 99 to 92.5. (Really, did Kitna have to come out looking so good in week one? and is Oakland just a shell of its former self? The Raiders may be gunning for the top draft pick again this year. And the New Orleans offense had better pick it up or Bush and McAllister will both just end up being heavy baggage)

In the Freaks initial foray into the OFFL, they were handed a loss by none other that the Black Sharks of Doom, 77.5 to 69.5 (so much for brotherly love. How the BSOD managed to pull of the win with D Brees getting him all of one point, I'm not sure. And Joe Horn may suffer in the Atlanta offense. Hopefully, he rebounds this week.)

In the Battle of Bridgeman (oh wait, that is the Battle of Baynes), the Rockets were victorious over the ironically dubbed Cha Ching, by the score of 81.5 to 77.5 (A close battle to the end, but it appears that Dieon Branch was totally unaffective going without a reception in the game and earning $$Chai Tea$$ (they really rip you off for that stuff at Starbucks) a total of zero points)
The Black Sharks of Dung are going down!!!!!!!

Beware the power of the Sleepers!!!!!
Who is looking for a running back???

Brandon Jacobs can be had cheap right now. I know that he is out for a few games, but when he gets back, watch out. Maybe a number two wide out??

Duece McAllister is also on the market.

I may even be interested in a blockbuster trade for Edgerin James, but I'll need something good in return.
There is a Supplemetal draft prior to week three. Each team gets one free pick based on the w/l record and then points, worse team picking first.

the next week, the waiver drafts begin.
just wanted it to get to Five-O
Kicker Josh Scobee is out for a bit. This will effect the Freaks. Use your second kicker this week
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