Thursday, September 20, 2007


I need my coffee and tv...

Or the smiling, dancing milk carton gets it...

Really I just need my diet Coke and some tunes.
And I wouldn't really do anything to the milk carton.
He looks so smiley and defenseless.
That's right!!!! Two and oh! Two and oh!!! Two and oh!!!
All because of Kitna's miraculous comeback.
smiley?!?!?! he looks deranged!!!
he should probably be put down for the safety of the rest of us.
or at least tranqualized
The Super Beetles just got lucky in week one.

Just wait until the rematch
pure skillz dude! Pure skillz.
The football skillz compliment my bo staff and nun-chuck skillz.
yes, I think tranquilized is the right term.
Happy and sedated.
Charlie...I will not harm you Charlie.
Hey commish, is it possible to get a roster list or even just a list of taken QB's RB's and WR's. Thanks!
For anyone who might be interested, the boys have games on Saturday behind the Eden VFW. Tank is at 12pm and Freak is at 2pm. It should be a nice day for them. The league is also sponsoring a pulled pork dinner (take out) during the games, if you wanted to come for lunch.
Yes, you could get a roster list if your e-mail worked.

I could put it in the mail, but it may take awhile for you to get it that way
dude, that milk guy is horrific. he needs some serious therapy. and also, i so beat you commish. you fixed the scores. i demand that each yard of Lynch be counted as 1,000 points each. In that case, I win. GO BSD!!!!!!
team rosters
the password is unicorn
Shouldn't the BSOD be in school?
I hope that you can review the rosters this way, if not you can come here and watch MJO at 2:00 so I can go to work.
and pick up a printed copy of the rosters
what is going on. i leave for like an hour and i have no idea what this means.
Just click on the team rosters link and you will be able to view the rosters
that's a lot of yahtzees
Thanks commish! It worked.
I like anything that has a password of unicorn.
I would have used milky, but he is just very deranged. I can't help but be frightend, ne terrified of him.

I may never drink milk again
If you go to and go to player stats, scroll your cursor from J. Cutler to Tom Brady.
It makes the picture look like his head explodes.
Lofa to Rocky amuses me as well.
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