Friday, September 07, 2007


Look out your window NOW!!!!!

They are getting ready to strike!

I swear they had something to do with Addai's "recovery".
I'll need to speak with Tanya, cause obviously she didn't hit his leg hard enough.
RU there?? RU there??? See yesterday....
Blast it!
I should have know those squirrels were up to something.
They are so squirrelly.
Jason is quite excited about his team's laser rocket arm.
It's also quite fun to see the Wubb get excited over football! :-)
Brought the whole family over to the dark side....
I'm off to work where I will be technologically impeded from all's the squirrel's revenge.
It's so exciting to see Molly Pumpkin in the morning!
I was just jabbering away, I didn't even see you at 7:51!
Is it considered jabbering when blogging?
the sleepers had to have crapped on that first play. i tried calling, but his phone was shut off.
hey mo, good to see you!
and jack too even if it is school related.
I don't know if the Sleepers phone was off, I think he was busy crying to the Super Beetles hoping for some leniency :)
well, kris fell asleep at half time, so harrisons 2nd half TD's are counted as dallas clark's/ just an FYI
Then I think Addai's points should go to me since The Sleepers were whining to THE Super Beetles.
It just seems fair.
To me.
i think i should also get credit.
tell me why not?
$$$$$ bling bling$$$$$$$
I'll tell you why not!!
But maybe later.
OOOOOOOOOOO! The suspense!
COME ON!!!!!

Just tell me!!!
Happy Friday Folks!
See you on Sunday!
(I put the reason why in a fortune cookie)
With Manning nad Wayne forfeiting their points, looks like the FFS will be on target.
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